Crust Network Integrates with Moonriver to Bring Web3 IPFS Storage to the Kusama Ecosystem

Crust Network
4 min readOct 18, 2021


Crust Network, a decentralized IPFS-compatible storage network announces its deployment to Moonriver, an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on Kusama. Crust is a solution that underpins Web3.0 style data and file architecture. Its integration brings highly practical, powerful and handy IPFS-based decentralized storage solutions to the Moonriver and Kusama communities.

Crust’s integration with Moonriver allows developers to utilize Crust’s decentralized storage capabilities. Moonriver’s Ethereum capabilities go beyond EVM, allowing Ethereum-based projects to utilize the same smart contract languages, Ethereum-based accounts, developer tools, base-level integrations, and other services to easily expand to Kusama with little to no changes. These projects are then able to natively interact not only with Kusama but other parachains that are also connected to the network.

Now, Crust Network is ready to facilitate fantastic Web3.0 style, decentralized storage experiences for Moonbeam users and developers with its 6000+ IPFS nodes and approximately 2200 PB of storage capacity available, which is achieved shortly after its mainnet launch on September 1, 2021.

Crust Network:

What exactly does Crust Network bring to Moonriver?

Crust Network provides fundamentally with a package of comprehensive decentralized storage solutions both for Web3.0 end users and developers.

Files — a lightweight and open-source Web3.0 application that provides decentralized storage space for end storage users. With your crypto wallet signed-in and just a few clicks, you can have your files or folders uploaded and pinned to IPFS (for long-term IPFS storage) and get more than dozens of replicas with Crust’s decentralized storage network.

Key Features:

  • Multi-wallet access
  • End-to-end file encryption
  • Easily share links to friends
  • Long-term storage with abundant IPFS replicas
  • Retrieve your files anywhere, anytime
  • Open-source and welcome to contribute!

Pins [Coming Soon]– a simple Web3.0 application that decentralizes pins from any given CID (IPFS Content ID) to IPFS for long-term storage. Pins is especially beneficial to NFT users and NFT-related application developers because Pins solves the critical problem of making NFTs’ metadata permanent on the web.

Hosts [Coming Soon]– a simple Web3.0 application that helps decentralized hosts for any given web contents, static web pages and front-ends. Before this, Crust Network has already provided decentralized hosting solutions for Uniswap, Polkadot Apps and IPFS Docs which were put into real use in the last few months.

Files, Pins and Hosts all together make a rather complete portfolio for any end users and developers in the Web3.0 world to enjoy easy integration of decentralized storage. In the near future, Files, Pins and Hosts will be totally free of charge for end users under Crust Network’s funding. In the long-term, there will be dedicated on-chain storage contracts and customizable IPFS gateways that offer smoother access to decentralized IPFS storage.

And more, Developer Toolkits — helps fast and simple integration of decentralized storage capability into Web3.0 applications.

Crust GitHub Actions: for GitHub workflow users to publish (by IPFS Upload Action), pin or host (by Crust Pin Action) DApps/Websites to IPFS through Crust’s IPFS Gateways and Pinning Services.

  • Crust Pin Node Package: allows NodeJS users to store files with Crust.
  • IPFS W3Auth Gateway: a lightweight Web3-based authentication service based-on IPFS gateway and reverse proxy.
  • IPFS W3Auth Pinning Service: a lightweight Web3-based authentication service based-on IPFS remote pinning service and Crust Network.

Link Info:


IPFS Upload Action:

Crust Pin Action:

Crust Pin Node Package:

IPFS W3Auth Gateway:

IPFS W3Auth Pinning Service:

About Crust Network

Crust Network is essentially an IPFS incentive layer protocol and a substrate-based blockchain that builds a decentralized storage network of Web3.0 ecosystem. Funded by DCF (Decentralized Cloud Foundation), It is designed to build a decentralized cloud ecosystem that values data privacy and ownership.

Use Case — Serverless DAPPs/Websites Hosting:

Developers are able to deploy their own DApps/Websites based on IPFS/Crust Network. Multiple nodes are incentivized to store DApps/Websites files and open for retrieving, thus ensuring very high availability and robustness.

Recently Uniswap has enabled decentralized deployment of its Interface by integrating with Crust Network into its release workflow. The similar integration was later realized by Polkadot. PolkaApps is now be pinned to Crust Network decentralized. There is an urgent demand for decentralized deployment of websites or DApps in Web 3.0, and Crust is an accurate and workable solution to it.

Use Case — General Off-chain Data Storage:

Some blockchain-based applications, such as NFTs and decentralized social and content platforms, involve a huge amount of user data, far beyond the capacity of on-chain storage. Since traditional cloud storage solution cannot meet the demand for decentralization, trustlessness and privacy from Web3 users and developers, the IPFS/Crust Network solution is much more preferred and adopted.

Decentralized Cloud Foundation | Uniswap | Polkadot | NFTs

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About Moonbeam Network

Moonbeam is an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on the Polkadot network that makes it easy to build natively interoperable applications. This Ethereum compatibility allows developers to deploy existing Solidity smart contracts and DApp frontends to Moonbeam with minimal changes. As a parachain on the Polkadot network, Moonbeam will benefit from the shared security of the Polkadot relay chain and integrations with other chains that are connected to Polkadot. Currently in active development by PureStake, Moonbeam is expected to reach MainNet by Q4 of 2021.

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Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.