Crust Network Partners with Cube Chain to Introduce Decentralized Storage Solutions

Crust Network
4 min readJun 22, 2022


We are excited to announce that Crust Network, a decentralized storage network that underpins Web 3.0 style data & file architecture, is partnering with Cube Chain to introduce practical, powerful, and user-friendly IPFS-based decentralized storage solution packages to Cube Chain users and developers.

Crust Network is ready to facilitate Web3.0 style, decentralized storage experiences for Cube Chain users and developers with its 3,000+ IPFS nodes and approx. 1,000 Petabytes of available storage capacity, which is all achieved within just two weeks of Crust Network’s mainnet launch on September 1st.

What exactly does Crust Network bring to Cube Chain?

Crust Network fundamentally provides a package of comprehensive decentralized storage solutions for both Web3.0 end users and developers.

Files — a lightweight and open-source Web3.0 application that provides decentralized storage space for storage users. With crypto wallet sign-in and just a few clicks, you can have your files or folders uploaded and pinned to IPFS (for long-term IPFS storage) and get dozens of replicas with Crust’s decentralized storage network.

Key Features:

*Multi-wallet access, now supports Cube Chain accounts as well

*End-to-end file encryption

*Easily share links to friends

*Long-term storage with abundant IPFS replicas

*Retrieve your files anywhere, anytime

*Open-source and welcome to contribute!

Pins — a simple Web3.0 application that decentralizes pins for any given CID (IPFS Content ID) to IPFS for long-term storage. Pins is especially beneficial to NFT users and NFT-related application developers because Pins solves the critical problem of making NFTs’ metadata permanent on the web.

Hosts [Coming Soon]– a simple Web3.0 application that helps decentralized hosting for any given web content, static webpages and front-ends. Before this, Crust Network has already provided decentralized hosting solutions for Uniswap and IPFS Docs which were put into real use in the last few months.

Files, Pins and Hosts all together make a rather complete portfolio for any end users and developers in the Web3.0 world to enjoy easy integration of decentralized storage. In the near future, Files, Pins and Hosts will be totally free of charge for Cube Chain users. In the long-term, there will be a dedicated smart contract for placing storage orders directly from on-chain.

And more, Developer Toolkits — helps fast and simple integration of decentralized storage capability into Web3.0 applications.

* Crust GitHub Actions: for GitHub workflow users to publish (by IPFS Upload Action), pin or host (by Crust Pin Action) DApps/Websites to IPFS through Crust’s IPFS Gateways and Pinning Services.

* Crust Pin Node Package: allows NodeJS users to store files with Crust.

* IPFS W3Auth Gateway: a lightweight Web3-based authentication service based-on IPFS gateway and reverse proxy.

* IPFS W3Auth Pinning Service: a lightweight Web3-based authentication service based-on IPFS remote pinning service and Crust Network.

About Crust Network

Crust Network is essentially an IPFS incentive layer protocol and a substrate-based blockchain that builds a decentralized storage network of Web3.0 ecosystem. Funded by DCF (Decentralized Cloud Foundation), It is designed to build a decentralized cloud ecosystem that values data privacy and ownership.

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About Cube Chain

Cube is a high-performance, scalable and modular Layer 1 public chain, capable of supporting multi-chain and cross-chain architecture. Compatible with EVM and Cosmos ecosystems, Cube is actively committed to participating in the development of decentralized cross-chain protocols and Web3.0 infrastructure to provide users with the next-generation multi-chain experience.

Cube’s technological innovations are mainly focused on the following points.

1. Modular layered architecture: layered execution layer, settlement layer, and data availability layer to achieve high scalability

2. Self-developed Collaborative Rollup: creates an efficient, low-cost and secure transaction environment.

3. Сhaos consensus — combining high throughput, decentralization, security and fast transaction confirmation.

4. Non-linear infinite storage: provides cost-effective permanent storage and fast access to data, achieving higher security and decentralization

5. Innovative Time Crossing protocol: enables cross-chain interoperability and is compatible with Cosmos IBC and EVM

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Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.