Crust’s EVM Storage Protocol Makes a Debut in Arbitrum Ecosystem

Crust Network


Crust Network, the decentralized storage protocol known for its unparalleled security and efficiency, has yet again hit the headlines. This time, it’s about their latest offering, Crust EVM Storage, which is now supporting the Arbitrum ecosystem.

In line with its goal of expanding the applicability of decentralized storage, Crust has launched its EVM Storage Protocol, a unique offering that seamlessly integrates with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchains. As part of the first batch of supported public chains, Crust has rolled out this integration with Arbitrum, a Layer 2 scaling solution that inherits the security of Ethereum while dramatically improving its scalability and reducing costs.

Developers in the Arbitrum ecosystem can now use Crust’s services for storage by placing orders on Arbitrum. This integration opens up a world of possibilities, allowing developers to leverage the power of decentralized storage and creating synergies between the two ecosystems.

To place storage orders on Arbitrum using Crust, developers can call the following contracts:

Storage order proxy address: 0x9ae6c9d00fde0e0f774693ca6099d06dfe2001c6
Storage order implementation address: 0xd220d916c2c11e7322ee0a8c9648d186946d4210
Price oracle proxy address: 0x0411ec483f45e0784361e9c633c1b63ece9837a0
Price oracle implementation address: 0xe1e8ff8e51da7066cb1009a4c1de68ae2d095655

Developers can check out the demo link here: to get a more detailed understanding of how Crust integrates with EVM-based chains, specifically Arbitrum.

This development underscores Crust Network’s commitment to expanding the reach of decentralized storage, making it accessible and beneficial to a wide array of public chains. The collaboration between Crust and Arbitrum not only strengthens the capabilities of both platforms but also provides significant value to their user communities. By leveraging Crust’s reliable and efficient storage capabilities, developers on Arbitrum can now build and scale applications more effectively, marking a new milestone in the evolution of decentralized ecosystems.

Crust’s proactive steps towards interoperability reiterate the vital role decentralized storage plays in the broader blockchain landscape. As we move towards an increasingly interconnected Web3 ecosystem, Crust’s EVM Storage Protocol sets a powerful precedent, showcasing the immense potential of cross-chain integrations.

About Crust Network

Crust Network is essentially an IPFS incentive layer protocol and a substrate-based blockchain that builds a decentralized storage network of Web3.0 ecosystem. Funded by DCF (Decentralized Cloud Foundation), It is designed to build a decentralized cloud ecosystem that values data privacy and ownership.

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About Arbitrum

Arbitrum is a Layer 2 solution which enables smart and secure scaling for Ethereum. With Arbitrium’s Next generation Layer2 technologies for Ethereum dApp development you can use the same tools to scale faster, at significantly lower costs and without compromising on security.

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Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.