Experience EthDA Devnet For Free Now!

Crust Network


We are excited to announce that EthDA’s Devnet is now live!

The EthDA Devnet has officially incorporated support for Polygon CDK, marking Polygon as the first ecosystem to be supported by EthDA.

For more details:

Now, let’s follow the tutorial below to experience how to use EthDA!

Feel free to test, and if you encounter any bugs, please email boluo@crust.network. Once confirmed, we will reward according to the Dev Bounty!

How to experience it

  1. Visit https://ethda.io/blobtx and connect your wallet.

As it’s currently a Devnet, only limited wallets are supported. We recommend using Coinbase Wallet, which can be downloaded as a mobile app or as a browser extension.

2. Add EthDA testnet: https://docs.ethda.io/resources/network-configuration/add-ethda-network/

After adding the corresponding data, click Save to save the network.

Network Name

EthDA Devnet



Chain ID


Currency Symbol


Block Explorer URL(optional)


3. Join Crust Discord to claim faucet rewards.

Crust Dicsord link: https://discord.com/invite/Jbw2PAUSCR

In the <EthDA> channel -> <faucet> channel, @ethda bot + your address to receive $ETH.

4. Back to the Apps page, input any text or image you want to store, click <Transcode>, then click <Send Transaction> to initiate the transaction and sign it.

5. Once the transaction is successful, click <View History> to jump to Blobscan and view transaction details.

6. Click on the generated Blob tx, check Blob Details, and select <UTF-8> in the top right corner to view uploaded text, or select <image> to view pictures.

7. Click <View in Explorer> in the top right corner to see all transaction details.

For more information about EthDA products and documents, please refer to:
- Homepage: https://ethda.io
- Docs site: https://docs.ethda.io
- Network info: https://docs.ethda.io/developers/quick-start/connecting-to-ethda

- EthDA explorer: https://scan-devnet.ethda.io
- Blobscan: https://blobscan-devnet.ethda.io
- Blob SDK: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@ethda/blobs

Experiencing and claiming prizes

Now that you’ve learned how to use EthDA, leave your generated text and image Blobtx in the comments of this tweet, like and retweet this tweet, and we will randomly select 30 people to receive a reward of 10 $CRU each!


Stay tuned for more developments on EthDA!



Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.