“Profit Ark” comes to an end, and Crust Preview Network to launch soon!

Crust Network
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2021

After 50 days, the Crust Network Profit Ark testnet has come to an end. This is a summary of the results from Profit Ark, and the upcoming Maxwell Preview Network.

1. “Profit Ark” comes to an end

“Profit Ark” ran smoothly for 50 days, and 600 addresses participated in block production

On November 30, 2020, at 22:00, Crust Network officially launched the “Profit Ark” incentivized testnet mining activity. After the activity was launched, Crust community users from all over the world actively participated in the activity.

The “Profit Ark” incentivized testnet activity lasted for 50 days. The initial block height was approximately 1,200,000, and the ending block height was approximately 1,992,845. During the testing period, a total of more than 600 addresses participated in the production of blocks, and the number of blocks produced exceeded 750,000. The “Profit Ark” testnet officially ended in the early morning of January 20, 2021 (GMT+8).

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 5 was recognized and retweeted by Gavin Wood, the Founder of Polkadot on Twitter

Nodes are located in 16 countries around the world, and reached a maximum of 1001 in the entire network.

Up to now, a total of 926 nodes have joined “Profit Ark”, with nodes in 16 countries including China, Singapore, Russia, Brazil, Ukraine, Greece, Austria, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Lithuania, Finland, Canada, South Korea, USA, and 59 cities. Crust nodes are found in the 7 states in the USA, including Colorado, Virginia, California, Illinois, Texas, Washington, and Florida.

“Hash Rate” reached 94 PB, and the Crust community actively participated and reported bugs.

During the activity, the “hash rate” reached 94 PB, and some bugs were found that only appeared under extreme fluctuations in hash rate. All bugs have been fixed one by one.

According to the technical issues, we adopted the following solutions:

  1. Fixed known problems of the points system, open-sourced the points statistics code and optimized the points interface and background algorithm to make the node data display more reasonable.
  2. Optimized the storage node code and increased the robustness of the storage node program.
  3. Adjusted the parameters that affect the online rate of service nodes. For details, check on Wiki.
  4. Launched a DNS optimization patch, which completely solved the problem of Intel server failure.
  5. Crust provides a direct download service of chain data, which is convenient for users to configure nodes flexibly.

Progress of Each Phase of “Profit Ark”

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 1: 544 Nodes Across the Network

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 2: Total Storage reaches 34PB

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 3: 20 Outstanding Contribution Nodes of the Crust Community

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 4: The Number of Verifiers and Candidates Reaches 454

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 5: Global Node Layout Lights up the New Regions

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 6: Gavin Wood Liked “Profit Ark” on Twitter

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 7: Development Team to Focus on Maxwell Pioneer Network

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 8: The Integration of IPFS and Apps

Crust “Profit Ark” Review 9: Function Test Preview

We would like to thank everyone for their participation again. The Crust Network will be better!

2. Upcoming Maxwell Preview Network Promotion Plan Announcement

With the end of “Profit Ark”, the development team will focus on the main function of the Crust Maxwell Preview Network. As a preview network, Maxwell strives to have the same functions as the Crust mainnet. The Maxwell Preview Network will be divided into 5 phases:

Crust Maxwell Preview Network Plan

1st Phase (Jan. 24 — Jan. 29): Crust Maxwell preview network will conduct internal testing. This mainly involves an upgrade of the chain, the activation of modules under the IPFS chain, and various functions and performance tests. During this period, the existing node manual will become invalid, and the new node will not be able to access the network normally according to the node manual. Nodes that have been connected to the network cannot operate stably.

2nd Phase (Jan. 29 — Feb. 1): Start ERC20 CRU token swap. Users can swap (exchange) CRU ERC20 tokens to the preview network through the Claim module on the chain for GPoS staking. In the GPoS consensus mechanism of the preview network, nodes can get staking quotas by providing storage space, and token holders can stake CRU tokens for nodes to obtain rewards.

3rd Phase (Feb. 1 — Feb. 4): Pre-launch Crust Maxwell preview network. Starting from this phase, nodes can access the Maxwell preview network through the new version of node manual.

4th Phase (Feb. 4 — Late Feb.): Crust Maxwell preview network officially starts. At the same time, the development team will conduct a decentralized storage market limit test based on the preview network, and gradually open this to Crust community members to participate in the testing of DSM 2.0.

5th Phase (Late Feb. — ): Launch the full-featured version of Crust Maxwell preview network to fully support decentralized storage. At the same time, Crust will provide relevant technical documents and guidelines for developers to guide third parties to access the Crust Network and make adequate preparations for the Crust mainnet.

The specific information will be synchronized with everyone before Maxwell goes online. Please pay attention to the Crust community channels and official social media accounts.



Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.