The Web3Approved initiative offers free decentralized hosting for 100 years

The initiative is a joint effort of Apillon and Crust Network, inviting Web3 players to practice what they preach.

Crust Network
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2023


Crust Network and Apillon have joined forces to advance the decentralization of operations within the Web3 ecosystem. As part of this initiative, we are proud to introduce our collaborative effort in offering free IPFS hosting services for projects and websites.

Web3Approved is an initiative that aims to promote the wider adoption of Web3 technologies by advocating for decentralized hosting as a crucial first step. By partnering with Crust Network, a leading decentralized cloud storage provider, it is taking a significant stride towards achieving this goal.

With our joint effort, we are offering projects the opportunity to host their websites on the Crust Network’s decentralized infrastructure, utilizing IPFS hosting services at absolutely no cost. This jumpstart aims to facilitate the transition to a Web3 sphere by making it faster, smoother, and more accessible for all participants.

By leveraging the power of decentralized hosting, we are contributing to the broader decentralization of operations within the Web3 ecosystem. Together, Crust Network and Apillon are dedicated to driving the adoption of Web3 technologies and empowering projects to embrace the advantages of decentralized infrastructure.

Join us on this journey towards a more decentralized and inclusive Web3 future. Get started with our free IPFS hosting services and experience the benefits of decentralized operations firsthand.

Why join Web3Approved?

Here are the benefits:

  • Free website hosting for 100 years for the first 100 members.
  • Hassle-free onboarding through a user-friendly Github action.
  • Official Web3Approved program membership and verification badge for your website.
The Web3Approved badge
  • No unauthorized party can access your website information, increasing security and privacy.
  • Multiple replications of web files on a network of thousands of participating servers guarantee that a website or app remains accessible even during service outages of individual servers, ensuring its continuous uptime.
  • Without a centralized hosting services provider, no single entity can cut access to your website, destroy its storage, or tamper and manipulate your website files. Hence, making your website censorship-resistant and fully immutable.

Joining Web3Approved means gaining access to these exclusive perks. Enjoy the convenience of free website hosting for an extended period, ensuring the longevity of your online presence. The onboarding process is streamlined with our easy-to-use Github action, making it seamless for you to get started. Additionally, by becoming an official member of the Web3Approved program, you’ll receive a verification badge that showcases your commitment to decentralized operations.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of Web3Approved. Join now and reap the benefits of free website hosting, hassle-free onboarding, and official program recognition for your website.

Check the details here:

How does this set-and-forget technology work?


In a nutshell, IPFS splits the uploaded files into smaller chunks and creates cryptographic hashes. It also receives a unique fingerprint called a content identifier (CID), which acts as a permanent record of your file as it is at that point in time.

If you want to know more about how IPFS and the Web3 Hosting service on the Apillon platform works, you can read more about it here:

How to join Web3Approved?

Joining the Web3Approved program and onboarding your website to Web3 hosting is done via a simple GitHub action.

  1. First, you need to host your static website on IPFS. You can do this on the Apillon platform or using Crust Network. You’re also free to choose any other provider.
  2. After your website is hosted on IPFS, you can acquire your IPFS URL. You can find Apillon’s IPFS link here.
  3. Create a Pull request to this Git and include your address.
  4. You’re now ready to use GitHub Actions to set up automatic deployment.

Once you’ve completed all the steps, the name of your project will automatically be added to the list of all the Web3Approved adopters.

Congratulations, you’ve just made your website unstoppable! You’re now ready to reap all the benefits of decentralized hosting free of charge for the next 100 years.


Web3Approved is a joint initiative, launched by Apillon and Crust Network, to help boost wider adoption of Web3 technologies by offering free decentralized hosting for projects and websites via IPFS hosting services.

⧓ About Apillon

The Apillon platform serves as a unified gateway to the Web3 services provided by linked Polkadot parachains. Following the multi-chain vision, Apillon powers the transition of developers to Web3, simplifying its adoption in the real economy, and expanding its versatility as the ecosystem grows. With Apillon, Web3 services are within reach for every developer, regardless of their background and experience with blockchain technology.

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About Crust

Crust Network is a storage blockchain protocol designed to incentivize the creation of storage orders and usage of storage nodes on the IPFS network. Crust Network is one of the largest decentralized storage systems, capable of hosting various websites, decentralized applications, NFTs, and personal files with ease.

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Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.