Cruz Coaching asked USYNT Rising Star Jaedyn Shaw 10 Questions

Cruz Coaching
Cruz Coaching Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2022

Welcome to article 3, where I ask top athletes around the country ten soccer-related questions.

If you live in the North Texas area and haven't heard the name Jaedyn Shaw whistling through the streets, then you have probably been living under a rock. Jaedyn is perhaps the first player to verbally commit to the University of North Carolina at age 14, and she is also a key figure on the USWYNT. She is an attacking threat with skill, speed, vision, strength, and a wicked shot. I have gotten to know Jaedyn for the past two years working on keeping her skills sharp, and it's also been a pleasure getting to know her personally. She is truly a spectacular person and player destined to play at the highest level.

Now it’s my pleasure to bring you ten questions answered by Jaedyn. Hopefully, this will reach the right people who need insight, motivation, or inspiration.

  1. When did you start playing soccer, and what has kept you in the game since?

I started playing at age 4. I just fell in love with the game, its challenges, and its successes. I love just getting myself better in different aspects of the game.

2. What is your proudest moment in soccer this far?

I would say just being able to represent my country and get recognized as MVP of the tournament and also just coming back stronger mentally and physically from my injury

3. Name three players you love to watch and learn from.

Neymar, Ronaldinho, Kevin De Bruyne

4. What is your training routine outside of your team like?

I train with Cruz Coaching and Sealy Soccer Factory and EPT right now for skills/ possession, shooting, performance, endurance and conditioning, lifting… depending on the day. I have had many other trainers as well in past

5. You’re a young player but have many young players that look up to you. What advice can you give them to make them better?

Never let anyone outwork you. Break down your game and work on the things needing the most improvement, you put it all together in the team setting, but you get better on your own.

6. What do you think is your best quality on the field?

creativity, vision, versatility on the ball

7. Who are your biggest motivators and your most prominent critic?

My biggest motivator is myself, my trainers, and my family; my most prominent critic is myself and my mom

8. Pineapples on pizza or Nah?


9. Where do you see yourself in 10yrs?


10. What’s the best advice you ever got?

“Train until they can’t deny it.”

There you have it, 10 questions with Jaedyn Shaw. I hope this insight helps inspire many players who dream of playing at the same level. Furthermore, I would like to thank Jaedyn for answering our questions, and I can’t wait to continue watching her grow and become one of the best in the world.

WATCH Jaedyn train with us here



Cruz Coaching
Cruz Coaching Blog

Founder of Cruz Coaching • Youth Soccer Coach • Soccer Skills Development Specialist • 12 yrs Coaching Experience • Social Influencer with over 150k fan base.