Bringing Sales Intelligence to the Offline Market — AI Empowers Field Sales Workers With Siro

Team CRV
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2023

By Anna Khan

The outside sales market is a more than $6 billion industry in the United States alone, larger than the software sales market today. According to United States Census data, there are 13 million people employed in sales jobs. Of those, roughly 56 percent are in face-to-face sales roles. But these sales roles are often overlooked by technology and advances in AI. CRV has always invested behind a thesis of empowering the forgotten worker and we’ve spent many years chasing underserved markets that have enormous potential. For the last decade, we’ve spent time understanding the core “jobs to be done” by field sales workers: scheduling interviews, finding their next lead and job, and most importantly — selling their product. While the sales software market is rife with competitors — the outside sales market is not.

That is where Siro comes in. When we first met Jake Cronin and Joe Jordan, we knew instantly they were the team to go after this massive market.

How Siro is a Game Changer

Siro is a sales intelligence tool for the field sales market. We know the pain of helping our portfolio companies scale their sales orgs, but imagine not having any data inputs through CRMs, emails, or demand gen pipelines that you can analyze to figure out what’s happening in your organization. For field sales, this need is even more acute, as sales teams have even less directional data. Face-to-face coaching is extremely important for developing high-performing teams. Still, training and ride-alongs are incredibly manual, time-consuming, expensive and not scalable for large and distributed workforces.

Siro offers consistent, effective intelligence and coaching for a completely mobile workforce. Attrition in field sales is typically 30–40 percent per year, and if Siro can improve even 10 percent — that can go a long way in wasted onboarding time and costs.

“As a sales leader, I’ve invested in many tools. Siro has delivered the best ROI hands down. I’d highly recommend it for any sales team.” — Cody Shill, Senior Vice President of Sales at Novo Solar

Some customers have experienced as much as 36 percent growth in sales in the first three months after implementing Siro.

Why We Picked This Team

At CRV we love backing early stage founders who have firsthand experience solving the same issue their customers face. When we first met Joe and Jake, we were thrilled that the co-founders had actually spent time as field sales reps themselves (and were the top one percent in their cohort). It’s rare to find co-founders who have served in the domain they are building in, but also spent time at large scale tech and financial organizations like Amazon and McKinsey.

Jake Cronin (Siro’s Co-Founder and Co-CEO) and Joe Jordan (Siro’s Co-Founder and Co-CEO) at Siro’s New York City Office

Not only do these co-founders have highly relevant backgrounds, they’ve also recruited a top tier team. With Siro in hand, sales reps get the personalized coaching they need, they sell more, stay with their companies longer and provide a better experience to the customers they serve.

Siro’s Founding Product Designer Michelle Kang Popped by CRV’s SF Office This Month to Meet with General Partner Anna Khan

A big part of Siro’s talent magnetism is Siro’s poignant mission to make field sales the most accessible path to financial freedom for ambitious sales pros. That’s a mission CRV is proud to back.

Term Sheet Signing Day — Anna Khan (CRV General Partner), Joe Jordan and Jake Cronin (Siro’s Co-Founders and Co-CEOs)

For nearly 53 years, CRV has enjoyed partnering with Seed and Series A entrepreneurs, like Joe Jordan and Jake Cronin, who’ve faced pain points first hand and want to solve them for their customers. If you’re an early stage founder that’s giving power to the forgotten worker the way Siro is empowering sales leaders, meet our team and tell our investors about your startup.



Team CRV

CRV is a VC firm that invests in early-stage Seed and Series A startups. We’ve invested in over 600 startups including Airtable, DoorDash and Vercel.