CRWDNetwork becomes SimplyTokenized — Your questions answered.

Paul Poeltner
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2020

CONDA GmbH and the newly founded SimplyTokenized GmbH have concluded a cooperation agreement for the further development of the CRWDNetwork. The aim of founding SimplyTokenized is to bring more focus to the topic and thus this is a further step to speed up the implementation. CONDA and SimplyTokenized remain in a close cooperation to push the topic forward together.

This is a positive and important step for the future and paves a prosper way for the CRWDNetwork to become a financial center for alternative financing.

Paul Pöltner, formerly a member of the CONDA board, is the company’s managing director together with Georg Brameshuber. “In the last few months we have been working to find a good new home for the CRWDNetwork after all the restructuring.” says Paul Pöltner, “We have now set up a new company. With its help we can develop the infrastructure in which the CRWDToken can then be used.”

The Integration of the Conda CRWDNetwork into SimplyTokenized is on its way.

As it has been our vision to strengthen the ecosystem of alternative financing and the digitalization of assets, we are excited to combine CRWDNetwork with our own, self-developed infrastructure, called SimplyTokenized. With this approach we plan to kickstart the market for digitalized assets and bring more value to users and support to the community.

We have a long journey in front of us and we can’t wait to show you the exciting things we have been working on in the coming weeks. Today marks the beginning of this journey but being able to commence it would not have been possible without you: the strong community of CRWDNetwork. For that reason, we want to take a moment to say: “Thank you, for the ongoing support over the years and your patients!”

To give you a first glimpse on the things to come, we’ve collected questions regarding the transition of CRWDNetwork and answered them down below.

Will the CRWDToken be usable in the future?

Yes, we are currently finishing all the ongoing developments and will present the first release up until Q2/2021. With the current challenges due do the pandemic and the transformation of CRWDNetwork there were some organizational challenges to solve, but now we are looking forward to having you all on board.

What will the next step be?

We are currently working on a new strategy and finishing the open developments. In Q1/2021 we will update all pages and inform you about the new developments and updated roadmaps in more detail. In the mean time we are expanding the team to work with us on the implementation of the new company.

If you have any further questions or need support with another topic regarding CRWDNetwork and SimplyTokenized, contact us directly at

