A Beautiful Feeling

That transcends the name of the relationship

Writer's Dream
CRY Magazine
2 min readApr 12, 2022


A beautiful heart where two souls are connected by an invisible string — to fulfill each others dream
Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

The heart dances in joy to feel for someone

It does not know the name of the relationship between the two souls

The duo just dances in pure honesty to decipher the language of the heart

Is it love? Oh! I do not know. For I know not what qualifies for love

Shall we be together? I do not know as I need not know

For now, the only relief the heart feels is when I acknowledge the feeling of my soul

It is a soul-bonding where one just wants to heal the other in return for nothing

No commitment, no expectation, no togetherness, not even seeing in person

The mind knows that he is in trouble and she knows how to heal him

Sometimes the only obligation the heart knows is to save another desperate soul

Maybe this is the soul contract the ‘he’ and the ‘she’ have in this lifetime

To find solace when the other is in peace

It took some time, though, to understand the language of the heart

There was a fight between the heart and the mind

The ego never wanted to acknowledge the feeling of the heart for him

That she is destined to heal his heart in this lifetime; and he is destined to make her believe in love once again

The mind questioned again and again why this affection if there is no possibility of togetherness

The heart then replied — being together is not always happiness and being separate is not always painful

There is a joy in being connected by heart

The universe wanted to make us believe that

Once she realized this calmness prevailed in her heart

The white clouds may float separately, but they are united by the vastness of the sky

The drops of water may be scattered here and there, but they are tied to the largeness of the sea

The flock of birds flies high up in the sky in perfect unison — who taught them to fly in the same rhythm?

The leaves of the trees bounce together against the wind — they know the secret

Maybe all of them follow the same law of synchronicity — even though they are separated physically, they are united in their heart

The law of the heart is the same

It just KNOWS

That she needs to pull up the other person when he falls — and when he rises again in full strength she leaves never to return

Because that is their contract for this lifetime — to teach each other what they need to learn; to give each other what they deserve the most

