A Little Getaway

Musical Selection: Janet Jackson|Funny How Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Tre L. Loadholt
CRY Magazine
4 min readMar 26, 2019


Yellow|Photo Credit: Tremaine L. Loadholt

What was supposed to be me visiting Orlando, Florida to catch up with family and enjoy my upcoming birthday in April has quickly turned into a massive change in plans. My older cousin called me on Saturday, March 23, 2019, to let me know that not only was there going to be slight changes in the arrangement of my staying with them for my trip, her husband’s brother and his family called with hopes of staying with them for the same week too. My cousin’s husband approved it and she immediately thought about me and my comfort level. People I do not know? Under the same roof for five days?

“What is Tre going to think about this?” “How will she feel?”

She called me to give me a chance to sit with the information for a bit and the more I thought about it, the more apprehensive I became. I was unsettled and at the same time, urging myself to give it a try, however, when I went to purchase my flight tickets, the prices had surged significantly and I told myself that this must be a sign. I wanted to be okay with it, I truly did, but I planned this trip about seven months ago and we were talking about the things we wanted to do, including my older cousin taking me for my first helicopter ride to celebrate another year on this earth.

After I saw the tickets’ prices, I shook my head wildly, knowing that I would not pay that much dough during Easter week for a short trip down South. I do not want to stay home to celebrate my birthday and I already requested time off from work to take place in three weeks, so I boosted myself to think about an alternative and was amazed at how I shifted gears so quickly. Not going to Florida to celebrate and take in some new scenery was not, is not the end of the world.

I logged onto my computer once again, entered a Google search for “Pet-friendly hotels in Asheville, NC and commenced to familiarizing myself with nightly rates, discounts, and possible adventures for Jernee and I to experience. Although we will not be too far from home, we will spend time away in a city that I love and I plan on getting a lot of writing, editing, and hopefully publishing done.

When I made the call to inquire about one room, non-smoking, and double beds, the reservations specialist was more than happy to assist me. I sat on the phone, proud of myself really — I did not break down. I did not take it personally that things were shifting and changing when they had been planned for at least seven months. I simply found myself re-routing and preparing for what I probably need so much more — time away, peaceful time away.

I can feel myself diminishing creatively — a spark is dimming within me and I think this little getaway will cause a fire to glow once more. I have dubbed this thing that I feel, “brain strain.” Is that a thing? Let me Google: Ah, yes, yes, it is. According to Urban Dictionary, brainstrain “is when you are trying so hard to work out something far too complex for your state of mind at the present time that you get a headache.”

I plan to take hundreds of photographs while sight-seeing, experience new and exotic cuisine, go record store hopping, walk with Jernee, and whatever else comes along that may intrigue me. Just the scenery alone in Asheville is probably going to inspire two to three short stories, perhaps even another serial fictional work. I am ready for this little getaway. I think, my mind is too.

We need to refuel. As Creatives, a shift in scenery is sometimes necessary, even when we do not think we need it, something in our bodies pushes us to that place that is slightly different from what we are used to. Nourish your craft. Feed your talent. Embrace your ability to go with the flow and make magic happen. I am ready to usher in April with a smile in my heart and a song in my soul. My plans have changed, but my mission has not.

I am ready for the overflow. Are you?

Copyright© Tremaine L. Loadholt, 2019. All Rights Reserved.

*It’s good to still see Crystal Lady, Gloria DiFulvio, Jk Mansi, Sylvester Amponsah, John Horan, and Brian McFadden pushing their work out to the masses. They’ll make you want to keep writing.



Tre L. Loadholt
CRY Magazine

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •https://acorneredgurl.com