A New Year Is Just Another Day

Kern Carter
CRY Magazine
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2 min readJan 8, 2021


Image by Kern and Krystasia Carter

I’m always cautious not to put too many expectations on the turn of the year. I know it’s a milestone that presents itself as the ideal time to reset your life, but the truth is that really is just another day.

The chaos of this past week is proof of that.

The universe doesn’t care about our resolutions. When the clocks rolled past midnight, it took away lives as routinely as it gave birth to new ones. Any challenges we had the day before still need to be overcome just as any dream still needs to be achieved.

We are creatures conditioned for purpose. We need reasons to open our eyes every morning and motivation to take on each day. A new year is like a gift we wait nearly 400 days to open hoping it will give us that thing we need to keep going.

My message is that you be careful. It is us who gives time a watch and days their names and years their significance. Those labels only matter because we want them to. Where you can take solace is in knowing you have the power to create your own story and that power is in you every single day.

Grab hold of that energy and harness it to live the way you imagine. Release the pressure from the new year and free yourself from those expectations.



Kern Carter
CRY Magazine

Author, Writer, and Community Builder | I help writers feel like SUPERSTARS | kerncarter.com |