Aquarius Girl

Damilola Abiola-Tikare
CRY Magazine
Published in
Jan 7, 2023
Photo by Damir.:

She is feisty,
She a rebel,
She is change,
When she speaks they listen,
Or they dread her actions,
For she is unpredictable,
Like the ever-changing wind,
Society tries to bend her,
But she refuses to yield,
Nah this lady dances to her own rhythm,
Some label her crazy,
Some deem her mad,
No one understands her taste besides her,
Beware boys,
This one is fire.



Damilola Abiola-Tikare
CRY Magazine

Hi there.I am Damilola Abiola-Tikare and I am a Content Writer who is also a Digital Marketing Diva. Watch this space for more marketing content.