Poetry and Prose

Blood Suck

a poem about blood being thicker than water

Samah Fadil
CRY Magazine


Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash

Her fangs came out at night
rows along the highway

blood burst out in spurts
the evil in the details

Three sisters entrenched in the sight
saw devils challenge desperate fight

Stars gleaming, pointed, sharp
punctured through stillness of dark

Serrated blades, each pearl a sin
tearing through her soft fleshed kin

Rabid as a hound denied obedience.

Reflections echo a mirroring snarl
across the moonless sky

Nor sliver of gold or silver cross
could save that part of my sister’s heart

Her mind broke away from the middle of the road
crashed to the side like a deer in the fork

ran toward the black hole of night
gushing a shame swallowed through life

and now the flesh no longer fresh
sits mangled at my other sister’s neck

This poem was originally published in the Winter 2022 issue of FIYAH Art & Literary magazine



Samah Fadil
CRY Magazine

I like to write and ask questions about politics, poetry, pop culture, power, philosophy, pen game, and various other P words. Not catered to the White Gaze™️.