Call for Poetry Submissions — A Love Letter to the Tiger Inside..

Kanaar R. Bell
CRY Magazine
Published in
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2 min readSep 15, 2021
Photo by Mike Marrah on Unsplash

Animals have a way of living that makes me jealous.

They’re unbothered, unburdened, by the daily qualms and pressures in life that humans often feel overwhelmed by.

When the jealousy subsides, I realize that it’s quite…admirable.

I have two cats and a dog, but tigers have always been my favorite animal.

Their demeanor reflects my values back to me:








Whether it’s a tiger, a butterfly, a turtle, or a lizard—being around animals has a grounding effect on our mental and emotional lives.

A stressful day at work seems like it isn’t that bad after a cuddle from your dog.

A period of aimlessness in life doesn’t seem as dull, even if just for a second when we see a butterfly cross our path.

And a period of doubt doesn’t seem too heavy after watching your cat utterly fail a jump from the floor to the counter and still get back up to try it again.

Animals have a subtle way of offering us a lot of hope, love, and inspiration.

Let this be a love letter to them.

Do you have a favorite animal? What about them inspires/encourages you?

Do you have a pet? What about them has a grounding effect on you when you’re having a tough day?

Use this piece as a way to honor your pets or your spirit animal, and tie it back into the impact it’s had on your life.

A few new rules:

  • Keep your submission to ~ 350 words max.
  • Format the poem as it is meant to be read
  • Make sure to put the “poetry” tag on your story
  • Focus on clarity — make sure your piece has a clear premise and takeaway

The same rules still apply:

  • You can submit to this or ANY of our past writing prompts. Just scroll through our previous newsletters. They’ll be marked “Call for Submissions.”
  • If you’re already a writer for CRY, go ahead and submit.
  • If you’re not a writer for CRY but would like to submit to this or any other prompt, let us know and we’ll add you ASAP. Include your profile handle in your message or comment.
  • Be as creative as you want in your submissions. As long as you stick to the topic, we’ll consider it.
  • Just because you submit doesn’t mean we’ll post. If you haven’t heard back from us in three days, consider that a pass.

Please reach out if you have any questions at all. If you are new to Medium, here’s how you submit a draft to a publication.

