Call For Submissions — How Are You Defining Success?

Kern Carter
CRY Magazine
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2 min readJun 7, 2021


Our theme this month is freedom and we loved all the submissions from our previous writing prompt. It’s incredible how creative you can get and how widely you interpret our requests.

For this week, we want to talk about success. More specifically, how do you define success as a writer?

It’s so easy to scroll through any number of your feeds and see posts about people winning. New book deals, viral posts, new editor positions, newsletters with 10,000+ subscribers—all of that can really mess with your psyche and impact how you view your own journey.

That’s why it’s important to ground yourself with your own goals. So we’re asking, in this era where it’s so easy to compare yourself to others, how are you defining success as a writer? Even if you’re not a writer, how are you defining success in your own life?

Same rules as always:

  • If you’re already a writer for CRY, go ahead and submit.
  • If you’re not a writer for CRY but would like to submit to this request, let us know and we’ll add you ASAP.
  • Be as creative as you want in your submissions. As long as you stick to the topic, we’ll consider it.
  • Just because you submit doesn’t mean we’ll post. If you haven’t heard back from us in three days, consider that a pass.
  • The deadline to submit is Monday, June 14, 2021.

Please reach out if you have any questions at all. If you are new to Medium, here’s how you submit a draft to a publication.



Kern Carter
CRY Magazine

Author, Writer, and Community Builder | I help writers feel like SUPERSTARS | |