Call For Submissions: How Are You Transforming?

Safia Bartholomew
CRY Magazine
Published in
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2 min readSep 21, 2021

Teacher of the year and recovering alcoholic. For many years, Jessica Dueñas was living a double life as she battled the peaks and valleys of alcoholism. In her Love & Literature series, Drowning in Shallow Water, she writes about her five weeks at a rehab facility.

Losing control from being intoxicated, she was forced to face her truth behind those hospital walls. Now sober since November 28, 2020, it took Jessica eight hospitalizations to get there.

When we take time to look honestly at who we are and where we are, we have the power to transform ourselves into someone completely new.

So let’s talk about transformations. What big change have you made in your life that has set you on a new path? What area of your life are you working on to transform?

Same rules still apply:

  • You can submit to this or ANY of our past writing prompts. Just scroll through our previous newsletters. They’ll be marked “Call for Submissions.”
  • If you’re already a writer for CRY, go ahead and submit.
  • If you’re not a writer for CRY but would like to submit to this or any other prompt, let us know and we’ll add you ASAP. Include your profile handle in your message or comment.
  • Be as creative as you want in your submissions. As long as you stick to the topic, we’ll consider it.
  • Just because you submit doesn’t mean we’ll post. If you haven’t heard back from us in three days, consider that a pass.

Please reach out if you have any questions at all. If you are new to Medium, here’s how you submit a draft to a publication.

