Call For Submissions — Your Name Has Meaning

Kern Carter
CRY Magazine
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1 min readApr 1, 2022


Names are such a strange thing. I was born in Trinidad, where the name Kern is fairly normal. When I moved to Canada, I’ve only met one other person with my name and I’ve been living here since I was five years old.

My last name is Carter, taken from my dad, though my mom and him never married. My maternal grandmother despises my last name. I should be a Douglas she says. It’s a history of tension and dislike between her and my father that fuels her disdain for the Carter name.

That’s a brief summary of my name. For this writing prompt, tell us the meaning, history or importance of your name.

Same rules as always:

  • You can submit to this or ANY of our past writing prompts. Just scroll through our previous newsletters. They’ll be marked “Call for Submissions.”
  • If you’re already a writer for CRY, go ahead and submit.
  • Be as creative as you want in your submissions. As long as you stick to the topic, we’ll consider it.
  • Just because you submit doesn’t mean we’ll post. If you haven’t heard back from us in three days, consider that a pass.



Kern Carter
CRY Magazine

Author, Writer, and Community Builder | I help writers feel like SUPERSTARS | |