Photo by: Wonderlane


Kevin C. Grant
CRY Magazine
Published in
1 min readSep 19, 2021


One too many drinks in the morning.

One too many drinks in the evening.

One too many hours late for work.

One missed birthday cascades into more-

Too many.

One too many broken promises.

One too many excuses that descend into lies-

Too many.

To other people, and to the reflection in the mirror.

Several years on a sofa under a roof that belongs to my sole supporter.

Not any number, eleven for clarity.

I keep my eyes closed to a judgmental world.

“Doing bad? He’s just a lazy bum!” a raspy voice condemns one floor above.

A wooden door slowly creaks open with a whine, out of the shadows comes a toddler boy accompanied by a gang of others his age.

“Uncle Louie, no one ever says they want to be a loser when they grow up?”

“Am I a loser? I am a loser?”

A statement, or a question still waiting to be answered.

Nevertheless, a heartfelt blow to my inescapable reality, provoked by a four-year-old.



Kevin C. Grant
CRY Magazine

At the intersection of weird and wise… From where they make gumbo at to the city of Angels.