Dreamscapes: Ready for Round One?

Alesha Burton
CRY Magazine
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4 min readMay 26, 2022

I have faith in my head. I trust in my dreams. That’s why I love dreaming. I become a different character and I live through a different plotline every single time (almost). I get to be someone I am not in real life.

I have an extravagant social life: close friends, hangouts, and no sense of lingering sadness or loneliness of living. I have an endless sense of freedom. I can always be the hero. The best thing, if I don’t like the dream I can just pull myself from it.

My dreams do mean a lot to me. They make me happy, even if the ending isn’t as great as I’d like it to be. They make me think, even if the thoughts are of how bleak that world must’ve been to the very end.

In the height of a writing slump years ago, and a necessity to write down my dreams for an assignment I never ended up doing, I wrote down a lot of my dreams. Especially the ones I really liked and remembered well. I even kept a notebook in my coffin so I can write immediately after waking from a dream. It’s funny to see how illegible it is.

I wanted to share my dreams with you guys, my dearest readers, because I think there’s a lack of writing about dreams or a lack of writing that seems correct. Movies seem to make dreams less of a surreal experience than they are in my experience. It’s also because I love sharing my dreams and listening to dreams and I think it would be cool to share them with you guys. Who knows, maybe you guys could share back with me.

I call this dream: “Ready for Round One?”

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A traveller from another dimension runs from a mechanical void. His team, a crew of four close friends, one of them being his lover, are all swallowed up and killed by the growing plague. Before she dies, the lover begs him to go and save himself. He runs to our universe.

A bit north of my old elementary school in Masadam-Yae, there is a bridge on which freight trains would pass by, usually in the early morning or late at night. Instead of the usual line, the train takes, while my friends and I are outside, train tracks unravel around us and trap us in a triangle of trains. Then three trains come rushing by at full speed before stopping all at once.

The main train, denoted by nothing other than my thoughts filling me in on the lore, reveals a sign that says Ready for Round One? We, as kids, are confused and scared. The traveller rescues us from the trains, noting his lack of punctuality in saving us.

Throughout the courtyard of my school, we are attacked by different traps and puzzles the evil train set. The most notable is a trap that shot bombs at us. We needed to dodge and plug out the giant plug connected to the actual bomb launcher.

We skip to the train becoming feral. We are stuck inside the school, but the train is screaming and howling outside. One of us, an older sun elf student by the name of Vikashi, urges us to go outside. He was always very outspoken and well reasoned. Essentially a people’s person. We, as kids, decide to listen to him and face the evil train together. After an argument, and a small roasting session directed at the evil train from Vikashi, the train is wildly upset.

It begins to thrash and whip itself at us as if it’s being twirled around by a higher-order power. In the sequence of attempting to dodge the train, I end up separated from the rest of my school. I manage to dodge all the whips the train sends at me. The train then cries out in a deep mechanized scream and mangles. It rebuilds itself into a killer fighter jet that hovers above the school.

I run back to the group because the killer jet begins to shoot at us students. On my own, I’d be a prime target and I’d probably die. I run as quick as I can (ironic because I can’t run well in my dreams) to keep ahead of the fire that the killer jet is letting rain over us.

Two of my friends and I duck into another jet made of dark playground metal with holes it in. The moment we fit inside, a flash of light blinds our eyes. It shows us the demise of the jet and the world being rescued. It also shows us how to operate the jet to allow this fate. Through this, the three of us are given the will and ability to operate the jet.

Using bolts of a near blinding white light, we shoot down the killer jet and end the mechanical plague from taking over our dear Terris and destroying it like it did the traveller’s world.

My faerie friend with her giant wings that weighed her down to the point of not being able to fly, named Savitha, walks home with me. We walk close to the bridge with the train tracks in the deep winter evening sunset. A freight train moving at full speed suddenly stops dead in front of us. The train car in front of us unveils a sign that reads Ready for Round Two?

I awoke from my dreams slightly dazed and a little frightened by the ending. It didn’t teach me much but it was one of the earliest heroic dreams that I still remember to this day. This is a dream that I love and one that I love to share if I could many, many more times because it was a fun experience.

— Heleza



Alesha Burton
CRY Magazine

(She/her) Second-year creative writing major at OCADU; writer