Fear Has Secrets Too

Kanaar R. Bell
CRY Magazine
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2021
By Joe Pearson on Unsplash.

Is like the bully,
That only picks on you,
When his friends around.

Because he knows,
That after a while,
His scare tactics,
Become predictable.

Like the monkey on my back,
Or the shadow to my past,
You saw all the times
My chin dropped.

You saw all the times,
That I lost hope.

You saw the times,
I blamed myself.

Of course,
You know,
How to keep my greatness chained.

Show me the things,
Nobody else knows.

Like how I still cry,
Over family I can’t get back.

And how running from heartache,
Burned me to the bone.

How I strived,
And failed,
Then called out to God.

Prayed for change,
Yet still felt lost.

You hold all the memories,
I try to forget.

You know all the battles,
I’ve fought.

Has since,
Lost its style.

Is how I’m winning now.

I don’t resist,
Or think about what
could be next,
My experience taught me,
That I’ll always be…


The greatest work,
I’ve ever shown,
Always came from vulnerability.

I don’t need confidence,
To show up authentic.

Has always led the way.

The next time,
You show your face,
You’ll be surprised,
When you’re embraced.

Because fear,
Is just my inner child,
Craving the reassurance,
That he’ll be okay.

