Hack The Behaviors Of A Confident Person

This is what I found

Ruchi Nirmal
CRY Magazine
2 min readNov 28, 2022


Photo by Thomas Mowe on Unsplash

I’ve read 82+ books, watched 38+ Youtube videos, read 120+ articles on confident people, and combined with my personal observations…

This is what I found:

  1. Polarizing-

Every confident person has polarizing views and it's completely FINE! As in they are fearless about their opinions.

They are not afraid to share their insights even if they might get backlash. For example, they would openly claim to like tea when everyone is talking about coffee.

2. Body Language-

If you’ve noticed people closely (not like a creep.. haha), they won’t shy away.

They are confident in how they walk, talk, sit or even order a burger. They seem to be more alert than other people, don’t fold their hands or legs often, etc. Like no fucks giving attitude.

Saying that it's good to be confident, but there is a thin line between confidence and arrogance. So keep a check on that!

3. Personality-

They are comfortable and own themselves.

During these past years, I’ve realized there are 2 categories of people. The first combines people having generic views and opinions, following the crowd tendency. The second one comprises people with unique views, perspectives, and ways of living life.

Now I am not judging either category. To each to their own. But with the growing use of social media and mass consumption, a majority of people’s personalities are getting dulled. They’re so involved in other people’s lives that no one is interested in discovering themselves anymore.

4. Mental Clarity-

This is the most important quality of confident people.

They have somehow trained their brains to work for them instead of working against them. With the over-consumption of information nowadays, our brains are overstimulated. And it becomes difficult to separate crucial wisdom from the trash-filled in the mind.

This is why it's advised to journal or meditate to clear out the trash. Because your mind is clear, your thoughts are clear and you’ll be better at communicating those thoughts resulting in a confident personality.

-Ruchi Nirmal



Ruchi Nirmal
CRY Magazine

Diagonally parked in the parallel universe. Optimist. Reader. Goal Digger. Follow me on twitter @ruchinirmal33