I Realized They Didn’t Really Believe In Me

Kalin M. Williams
CRY Magazine
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2020


Don’t allow your vision to be hi-jacked…

Want To Flourish? Stay Away From Those Who Discourage

Don’t pay attention to those who tell you that you will not succeed unless you do things their way. You have your own path and you must walk it alone. Your job is simply to create and create beautifully.

The path will rarely be easy. You will have doubts and you will have to work through these. This is okay. Overcoming our own fears regarding our capabilities is a natural part of the journey towards achievement. Others will doubt you as well. You will try to understand why others put you down. Don’t waste your time. You can never know the reason people attack you and your work.

They may be upset that they have yet to achieve all they wish. They may be envious of the work you have produced in such a short time. In some cases, they will try to tell you why you will undoubtedly fail. They will make statements like, “I see myself in you and I just want you to succeed”. This can be misleading.

While they say they want the best for you, they tare you down subtly. This is the worse form of gaslighting. If you are not strong, you will begin to believe what they project on to you. The best course of action is to simply leave them be.

