
Ryan J. Pearce
CRY Magazine
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2021
Photo by Rosie Sun on Unsplash

I got lost today

looking for myself

no one could find me

I couldn’t find myself

no matter how hard I tried

the mirror is the first place I looked

I looked into the eyes of the person there

but I didn’t trust them

there was something shifty about them

and that smirk seemed malevolent

so I walked away

hoping to maybe find a place

where they would recognize me

or maybe miss me

call out for me

and hearing my name I would know

no one called

only my own voice in my head

that I don’t recognize

the whisper of the leaves

invite me into the trees

the crashing waves of the sea

calling to take me into the deep

the song of the birds

only sounds no words

I wander aimlessly

absorbing what is around me

everything is foreign and familiar

all the roads look the same

these streets have no names

so I guess I’m in good company

except I can’t make a connection

even roads have intersections

every curve is an anticipation

every object a fascination

the bar isn’t set really high

when your baseline is a void

black hole never satisfied

but more importantly

never identified

when there is nothing left

maybe I cave in on myself

finally discover what is me

with reference to nothing else

if there is only me

then it stands to reason

that I should find myself


maybe there will be only darkness


I’m afraid

I’ve lost myself

© Ryan J. Pearce 2021



Ryan J. Pearce
CRY Magazine

Hitching a ride on this merry go round we call planet earth and commenting on what I see.