Damilola Abiola-Tikare
CRY Magazine
Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2021


Love Thyself

Photo by Budka Damdinsuren on Unsplash

If someone dares to insult your beauty,

Tell them that I am wonderfully and beautifully made.

If someone dares to insult your intelligence,

Tell them that my brain knows no limits.

If they dare put you down,

Beat your chest and declare loud and clear,

“I am a Queen or King in the making.”

If they tell you that you’re not good enough,

Tell yourself, “I am more than enough.”

If anyone strips away at your Spirit,

Say with great ferocity, “Get behind me Satan!!”

If somebody tries to poison you with nasty thoughts,

Tell them, “I know who I am and you will soon know as well.”

If they dare make you look like a mouse,

Look them in the eye and let out that mighty roar within your heart,

You may not have the talent, the experience, and skills that others do,

But do not let that stop you.

Keep on doing that thing you love.

Keep on being yourself.

As Denzel Washington said:

“Some people will never like you, because your spirit irritates their demons.”

Forward forever. Backward never.

It shall always be well with you.

The more I speak, the more a weight lifts off my heart.

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Damilola Abiola-Tikare
CRY Magazine

Hi there.I am Damilola Abiola-Tikare and I am a Content Writer who is also a Digital Marketing Diva. Watch this space for more marketing content.