Miraculous Mornings

Suma Narayan
CRY Magazine
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2021
Photo by Chris Liu-Beers on Unsplash

We went walking beside the tidal creek today

The climate didn’t know, and the weather cared less, about whether it should rain, or blow. Finally they decided to do both. The Sun got into the act, too, so did the waters of the creek. The man I live with took one look at the water and pronounced, in measured accents of impending doom, “The tide is coming in!’ I pretended I hadn’t heard: it is one of the survival skills I have learnt over four decades of married life.

Clouds gathered together in clumps and were chased and scattered by a laughing wind, but they massed together again, and the wind came after them. Again. Beneath the bridge over the road, and beyond, into the creek, little ripples broke the surface of the water, and giggled and chuckled as the wind dipped and swayed above them. They came and went, those little ripples, and the water sang a song of post-lock down freedom. So did I, but quietly. I had already scandalised a very respectable looking lady and gentleman, who were out walking, horrified a group of crass yuppies, and terrified a flock of teenagers by looking up and smiling at the sky.

But if one can’t smile at the sky, what can one smile at?

On the pipal, banyan, neem, copper pod and eucalyptus trees, every leaf cavorted and chortled, turned somersaults, sailed to the ground, even turned over new leaves. The breeze sailed through my hair and patted my face, and I raised my arms and hi-fived it: and the crows, the sparrows, the great Indian coucal and a couple of invisible waterfowl cawed and chirped, hooted and crowed in benediction.

It was a beautiful day.

And I almost forgot that someone had felt threatened enough about my obituary for a warm, and wonderful human being, and an erstwhile colleague, to issue me a veiled warning, both on social media and my phone. Apparently, I woke up sleeping dogs. But perhaps these particular dogs were tired of sleeping? Anyway, I hope there are enough able bodied men and women among all of you to come to my aid, if and when I need it.

©️ 2021 Suma Narayan. All Rights Reserved.

Shoutout to Tamil, for her warm, joyous and brave piece of writing.



Suma Narayan
CRY Magazine

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: https://ko-fi.com/sumanarayan1160