My Biggest Personal Achievement To Date!

Life just got exciting…

Ruchi Nirmal
CRY Magazine
2 min readJan 24, 2023


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My biggest achievement was bringing fruition to all the hard work I have been doing for the last 6 months.


Launching my own product on Amazon.

“The Vision-Board Coloring Book”

I’ve always been into the Law of Attraction, affirmations, etc.

But I wanted to make it more fun, and easy with no resistance.

Ever tried affirming “I’m rich” when you’re broke or “I’m healthy” when you’re actually sick?

There’s a little voice inside your head that whispers “No, you’re not, you liar.”

It happened to me.

That’s when the idea of coloring your dream life struck.

I created a coloring book covering all the aspects of a dream life—money, social life, love life, material things, inner peace, etc.

I’m so elated that people are loving it.

Every morning with coffee by the side, it becomes a ritual to color all aspects of your dream life into reality.

Here are some of the pictures:

Image by Author

Isn’t this just beautiful?

_Ruchi Nirmal_

Here’s the link if you wanna check it out:



Ruchi Nirmal
CRY Magazine

Diagonally parked in the parallel universe. Optimist. Reader. Goal Digger. Follow me on twitter @ruchinirmal33