
It’s not about you…or me

Jett Belavin
CRY Magazine
Jan 23, 2023


I don’t see myself enough.
I’m too interested.
In me. In you.
I’m too grounded in my life,
and not grounded enough in life.

I’m too busy with feelings to see.
I’ve been told “it's okay” so many times
my feelings are like clingy campers to their counselors.

It seems mad
to want to see beauty without feeling beautiful;
but there go my emotions again;
(I shouldn’t be writing for me.)

I hope you feel the distance between you and these words.
I hope your feet are stuck in concrete, so this may never move you,
but odds are —
that in success, I’ll fail…
(I don’t see myself enough — I’m too interested.)

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash



Jett Belavin
CRY Magazine

Writer, creative, poet, and student at OCADU. I write to inspire and intrigue and strive to be profound and thoughtful.