Kayla Greaves from InStyle Magazine — Opinion? Please!

Kern Carter
CRY Magazine
Published in
7 min readFeb 4, 2020


Kayla Greaves from InStyle Magazine gives her opinion on the struggle of sharing our opinions publicly.

In this new world where tweets can change the landscape of entire nations, CRY is exploring the role of “opinion” and “perspective” as it relates to creative content and free expression. We interviewed editors from five different publications to discuss their roles in navigating the current creative climate and to get their thoughts on how they balance empowering and editing their creators.

I don’t know why I’m so surprised at Kayla’s interview. Not only is she a dreamer, she’s a go-getter. The very fact she’s now the Senior Beauty Editor at InStyle Magazine is a testament to her hustle, her persistence and her execution of a vision that’s been clear as long as I’ve known her.

With all that said, it still surprised me how deep Kayla went on some of these questions. She had strong opinions about our current creative culture and our inability to properly critique it. She didn’t hold back when talking about cancel culture and she got serious when considering her responsibility as a woman of colour with a platform.

This Opinion? Please! interview is juicy in the most sophisticated way possible. Let’s get to it!



Kern Carter
CRY Magazine

Author, Writer, and Community Builder | I help writers feel like SUPERSTARS | kerncarter.com |