The Genius Of Darling Hair’s #FindYourBeautiful Campaign

Damilola Abiola-Tikare
CRY Magazine
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2022
Photo by Godisable Jacob:

Nothing screams Black excellence like some good braids and the one brand that champions this cause is none other than Darling Hair. I started using the product to braid my hair last year. I first wanted to try other options since Xpression is the first synthetic hair brand that comes to mind for many.

However, the salon I went to had Darling Hair, so I used it. It was all thanks to this commercial I saw on YouTube. Said commercial also popped up on TV, especially if you watch MTV Base a lot.

I did not pay that much attention to that ad until recently. I came across Darling Hair’s YouTube channel and saw their other ads. The ones that resonated with me the most were the ones that fell under the #FindYourBeautiful campaign.

It is an absolutely genius move of theirs as there are a lot of women, Black women in particular, who struggle to see the beauty in their rich melanin skin. All it took was films like Black Panther for Black women to embrace their culture and celebrate their beauty.

I struggled to appreciate and embrace my looks for years because of bullying from childhood. Other kids made fun of how I looked and dressed, not considering that I have a strong uncanny resemblance to my late father.

But now, everything has changed. Marriage has made me appreciate a lot of things. I remember getting nervous on my wedding day because of how I looked and what people might say. My bridesmaids, husband, sisters, and mum all asked me to calm down and enjoy everything. They also advised me to just focus on what I could control and leave everything else aside.

Best advice ever because I lit up the moment I saw my husband despite how uncomfortable my outfits were. It also helped that there was this huge outpouring of love and support from the guests, especially the elders that attended the wedding.

I felt the same love from social media as the comments were 99% positive, plus everyone kept commenting on my beauty and my resemblance to dad. I felt so beautiful for the first time in years and have begun to embrace and love my body. If anyone has a problem with my looks, they better pray my father’s spirit does not haunt them in their sleep because insult me and they are also insulting him. Period!!

That is what #FindYourBeautful is all about. It is not what society dictates. Ignore what society demands and focus on yourself. Embrace your imperfections and love yourself because you are a Queen, my sister. That is the message Darling is trying to pass across, and I absolutely love it to bits. The theme song for the campaign, which everyone is trying to find on social media to no avail, has the lines “Imma keep winning till the world stops spinning.”

That line has stuck with me, and hell yes to that. I am a born winner. I feel so positive and wish to be a beacon of positivity to the world. That is the energy I want to bring to all of you. Keep winning and keep staying true to yourself.

Like Angela Bassett said in her viral Black Girl Rock acceptance speech— when anyone dares to question your beauty, tell them, “I am a Queen and I am a descendant of royalty.”



Damilola Abiola-Tikare
CRY Magazine

Hi there.I am Damilola Abiola-Tikare and I am a Content Writer who is also a Digital Marketing Diva. Watch this space for more marketing content.