The One Who Sits in the Chair

Chapter 0

Jett Belavin
CRY Magazine
3 min readMay 8, 2023


In the beginning, there wasn’t.
Not but a colour incomprehensible;
like matter was still in its womb,
like language was impossible
like thought unimaginable.

This is the way it was,
till a gust of wind came where no wind could be,
and what’s become came to be.
This, and nothing more.

And the first blossom of light was gifted with the sight of a beautiful birth.
The womb of thought burst — its placenta — the home of soul —
and from it, the six lords emerged.

The lady of Love,
The lord of Sin,
The lord Sun and lord Moon,
The lord of Fire,
and the mightiest of them all,
the One who sits in the chair.

The chair — above and below all else,
between and through reality,
here and there, neither here nor there;
all who seek to defile his likeness have come to forfeit existence.
No one knows what he is lord of,
no one knows of his shape,
and very few have lived to see the back of his chair and tell the tale.
This, and nothing more.

In the beginning, lady Love had only her beauty to gaze upon
and so she was her own obsession —
unable to help in creation.
The lord of Sin,
Stared in what could not be comprehended,
and he did so in silence
unwilling to help at all.
Lord Sun and Moon emerged conjoined,
unable to help at all.
The lord of Fire tried creating,
but was unable to help at all.

And the One in the chair was a gust of wind in a place no wind could be.
And as the gust of wind shot by the lords,
it broke the two twins free,
and with an ivory tear from the Suns left eye
and an ivory tear from the Moons right,
they both took their rightful place in creation.

Lady Love saw Sun and Moon,
and found two things to love.
Their story, their light, their shade and all;
she found two things to love;
and the lord of Sins’ mouth grew wider,
and it did so in silence.

Lord Fire asked lady Love for aid,
and gladly she complied,
and with fiery love they kindled a plane
for all those who shall die;
and the lord of Sins’ mouth grew wider,
and it did so in silence.

Lord Fire and Love,
fell in love, and soon birthed Daughter Earth,
who came upon the fiery rock
and soon became the dirt.
And the lord of Sins mouth grew wider,
and it did so in silence.

And lord Sun smiled.
And lord Moon cried of joy;
and his tears brought the ocean shore
and with it, the son of Sea.
And Daughter Earth thanked his kindness,
and lady Love kissed the moon,
and the lord of Sins mouth grew wider,
and it did so in silence.

And the Sun and Moon began to dance;
their cycle set in motion,
and from this came the son of Wind —
and then something peculiar;
the clouds began to move,
and from no one came son of Sky.

Son of Sky;
a mystery among himself;
knew not of where he came and not of where he’d go;
but son of the sky peered down at daughter earth,
and from instinct, he knew…
and lady Love felt a singe in her heart,
and the lord of Sins’ mouth grew wider,
and it did so in silence.
And for a time, it was-
this, and nothing more.

Photo by Jonny Clow on Unsplash



Jett Belavin
CRY Magazine

Writer, creative, poet, and student at OCADU. I write to inspire and intrigue and strive to be profound and thoughtful.