Want to Write for CRY?

Kern Carter
CRY Magazine
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2 min readFeb 3, 2018


So although I’ve included a few posts from other people, I’ve never formally asked anyone if they’d like to write for CRY. So I’m doing it now.

If you’d like your voice heard through this publication, just comment below or send me an email. I want to start opening up this platform to voices other than my own.

Oh, I guess I should tell you what kind of stories I’m looking for. Well, I’m looking for MORE male voices (not exclusively). I feel there is a lack of sensitive, curious, male voices who want to share emotional stories describing how an event made them feel. I’m sure those blogs exist on Medium, I’m just hoping to give us a louder voice.

If you read the large majority of my posts, they are rooted in my CRYing out about something that’s happened in my life, or something that’s not yet happened that I badly wish would just hurry up and manifest itself.

I’m not looking for any “how to” posts or anything of that nature. I want personal stories that show you, as a male, actually being aware of you how you felt in that moment.

If you’re following CRY, you also know I’m always talking about my daughter. I can’t help it, she’s a special, not-so-little girl. With that said, I’d also welcome women or men to write about their crazy lives as parents (because face it, we all have crazy lives). As long as it’s a story from your perspective, I’m willing to share it.

Just use these guidelines as more of a suggestion. If any of you, female or male, have a story you want to share and think it will fit on CRY, send it my way. I’m really a lot less picky than this letter suggests LOL.

Thank you :)



Kern Carter
CRY Magazine

Author, Writer, and Community Builder | I help writers feel like SUPERSTARS | kerncarter.com |