
Finding a place of peace through our tears. A poem and essay by Carmellita.

CRY Magazine


Weep” designed by Author (Carmellita) in Canva

I’ve wept through pain, fear, and shame. But through my tears, I’ve found my place of peace, deep in the rivers of abundance and on the hills of joy. My tears have washed away burdens of shame I’ve carried that was never mine to endure.

We don’t have to see our tears as weakness even when we feel dejected, discouraged.

No, our tears cleanse the soul and soften the hardened chambers of the heart.

With this in heart and mind, I present to you…


I want to go to the river where the waters run deep
I want to see the hills where the tops are steep
I can’t remember a time when I did not weep
But I can recall every promise he did not keep

Spent years putting my faith in something not real
Cried tears, my body went numb, didn’t want to feel
I sacrificed all I had to live following a lie
What would I choose, would I live or would I die?
I chose life, I had no other choice
I decided to listen to the sweet still voice
I reignited my flame almost extinguished
whilst my heart finally relinquished
every fear which nearly drove me insane
and curse imbed, yet scars remain
Still, I held on…



CRY Magazine

Writer, Poet, Storyteller, & Scholar. Co-founder of http://bluelotusliving.com. BA in Speech Communication. Former ghostwriter who came back to life.