What Emotional Invalidation Does To Someone And What You Can Do Instead

What having your feelings invalidated feels like, and what you can do about it for yourself and for others

CRY Magazine


Photo by Arwan Sutanto on Unsplash

Having your feelings invalidated sucks. Being told something is too small to worry about, being seen as too dramatic, hearing that someone else has it worse, or that you shouldn’t be feeling this way. Sadly, the list could still go on.

Recently, I’ve been feeling dismissed and invalidated a lot. And I’ve been feeling quite bitter about it. Talking it out with the person did not help or go the way I had hoped for.

Here’s a list of what invalidation does to someone. There are additional pointers on how to help yourself should you be in this situation and what you can say instead to help validate someone else’s feelings.

What emotional invalidation does to someone

Understand that nobody will understand you as no two people feel the same emotion alike.

Two people feeling sad will not feel it to the same extent as the other. Having gone through the same thing, you may understand how it feels. But you will never fully feel them the same way…



CRY Magazine

Musician | Dancer | Animal Lover | Dreamer | Generalist | Reader | Editor | I write to make sense of the world. https://beacons.ai/ashleywritess