What’s Wrong With Being Alone
I really don’t ever mind being alone. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, but for me it’s everything. Alone is when I get to sit with my thoughts. MY thoughts, uninterrupted, uninhibited, real.
Alone is when the magic happens. When internal dialogue happens. When powerful writing happens. Alone I get to be who I am, not who I should be or who I want to be. Just me as I am in the moment. There’s peace in that.
And I’m not anti social. I have an amazing group of friends and acquaintances who I spend time with regularly. I enjoy being around people and going out any day of the week. And I do.
But still there’s nothing like being alone. In short doses, it’s been helpful to me. It’s allowed me to really sit back and figure out who I am. Yet I’ve met so many people who can’t stand the thought of not continually being around someone. For these people, the thought of being by themselves scares them half to death.
So they do things to never be alone. Choose partners based on the fact that they just don’t want to be alone. Make poor decisions because it’s better than being alone.
These are the same people who can be in a room full of friends and still feel completely alone. And that’s scary. Dangerous, even. But shows that the feeling of being alone has very little to do with being around actual people and more to do with how people feel about themselves.
I feel good about me. At least on the large majority of days. I have my moments like everyone else. But I know who I am, I know what I want, and I spend everyday living my life with this awareness.
Just wanted to share those feelings. Life is grand so enjoy it all :)
Till next time…
If you like this, you’ll probably enjoy my novella “THOUGHTS OF A FRACTURED SOUL.” Check it out here.
More from me at www.kerncarter.com