When People See More in You

I’m a writer and my friends get it

Jayson Kristopher Jones
CRY Magazine
Published in
5 min readNov 3, 2021


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

“You’re more than just a social worker though.”

His words hit me like a Wu-Tang album. They were hard, raw, and uncompromising. I let them dangle in ether, occupying the void between his end of the phone line and mine.

“You know what I mean?” he continued. “You’re a social worker, but you’re more than that. You will be more than that.”

The clarification simultaneously filled me with hope and a sense of obscurity.

Am I more than that or can I be?

I was 25. Three years removed from college and three months removed from graduate school. I was just starting my career in mental health, but I couldn’t help but wonder, “Is this it? Is this me?”

I don’t often struggle with decisions. I’m the level-headed one; the one that quickly analyzes the situation, thinks through the available options and makes the best choice given the information at hand. That’s why my senior year of college wasn’t stressful. While my friends wondered what they’d do next, I had my job lined up six months before we were scheduled to walk across the graduation stage. I was precise and thorough; I had to be. Indecision kills me and hesitation feels like a thousand needles dragged across the skin. I watched Rocky IV far too…



Jayson Kristopher Jones
CRY Magazine

Storyteller. Social Worker. Dad-Joke Enthusiast | Beautiful From Head to Toe AVAILABLE NOW: https://bookshop.org/lists/liv-s-list