When She Cries

Kern Carter
CRY Magazine
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2017


What’s a parent to do?

I don’t know how some parents do it. Seeing your child cry is one of the most heartbreaking things to witness. Even if you’re the cause, just seeing those tears build up and then the stutter when they try to explain themselves is enough to make you drop everything and give them a giant bear hug.

But you know you can’t. You know sometimes telling your child what’s best or forcing them to do something you know has benefit will conjure up some tears. You have to suck it up.

I recently found myself in that situation with my daughter. I was encouraging her to do something that’s a bit too personal to share (I don’t know how she’ll feel about me publicizing this). But let’s just say I know it will help her big time now and in the future. But when we got into the discussion, she just wasn’t having it. So I got frustrated and raised my voice a bit, and immediately she started tearing up.

She wasn’t hysterical, she wasn’t throwing a fit. Just real tears. My heart sank and I almost took back everything I said. I looked away, and then walked away to my room. As painful as it was to see her cry, I knew I couldn’t let up. What I was suggesting to her was important, and regardless of how much she objected, I had to stay firm.

Even writing this right now is tough. I could still hear her sniffing while I was in my room. The Millennial side of me still wants to cave, but the single father side of me kicks in and says no way.

Luckily, this doesn’t happen with us too often. Not very much at all, actually. Because if it did, I’d be screwed. For real screwed. So my admiration goes to all you tough parents out there. Much, much respect!

Tough love is still love. We have to stand against to our kids sometimes, or most of the time. Who really knows LOL!

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Read my novella THOUGHTS OF A FRACTURED SOUL here.



Kern Carter
CRY Magazine

Author, Writer, and Community Builder | I help writers feel like SUPERSTARS | kerncarter.com |