You Are Your Best Publicist — Here’s Why

J Escano
CRY Magazine
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2021

How to be your own publicist.

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Creatives already take the bold steps to create. Whether it includes writing, painting, singing, producing, or design — the world yearns for these creations. But where does one start to bring attention to their work?

By Being Yourself.

As an artist, you need to build the foundation for yourself. You know yourself better than anyone else, and who else would be better at being the face of your brand than you? Simon Sinek said it best:

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”

Having a true understanding of who you are as a creative and your purpose, you will be able to attract the right people, including supporters, business opportunities, and media outlets.

Authenticity is the brand in itself

An artists’ voice is what makes the originality. Being authentic and creative is one of the unique selling points for viewership. Everyone has a compelling story to tell, and personal stories are what makes everyone unique. Sharing your authentic voice opens the door to who you are and what you’re about, and good publicity showcases the authenticity of a true artist. Remember, you don’t need a million followers to attract attention. Great content can go a long way.

But what is PR?

Public relations is the practice of maintaining the public image of a brand. PR is a great way to establish brand visibility, but it can also be very costly to hire a professional agency.

Although today’s media networks are overwhelmed with public figures and popular influencers, there are so many different aspects of your art that can be relatable to an audience. So don’t ever feel like what you’re creating isn’t enough. It is. You just have to show it.

You can reach out to publications on your own

These days, getting your message across the globe is a lot easier. Reach out to publications, bloggers, podcast hosts, media platforms — anywhere you feel that you may fit in. The key is to make sure the outlets you reach out to match what you’re offering.

It won’t make sense to reach out to Artsy if you’re an architect. Find the publications that speak your same language and go after them.

The worst that can happen is a rejection, and learning to recover from rejection is part of reaching success. There will always be an alternative route, the word “no” simply means you can move onto the next opportunity. Don’t lose faith.

“Reputation is made in a moment. Character is built over a lifetime.” Elizabeth George

Your platform is your calling card

Media outlets now spend their time looking for the next big thing on social platforms. Using your creative content online and keeping up with trends will bring leverage to promoting yourself. Use your personal platforms to connect with your audiences. By staying connected to culture, you’re proving your value to media who are looking for inspirational or educational content.

You have to be your best

Creating is bringing something into existence. Everything needs time, dedication, and effort and creatives already hold the power of creativity. This is what makes you stand out. If your work is captivating, it will be easier to make it known.

As an artist, you always want to showcase your best work. This will give you the best chance to get the attention your work needs to take your career to the next level. While everyone is moving a mile a minute, take the time to make sure your work is exceptional. It makes a difference.

PR is an ongoing process and is crucial to success. Know that you can take yourself to the next level, it’s just a matter of getting people to see the beautiful work that you create. Great results always come with dedication and persistence. It can be a lot of work, but it can get done. Never ever give up on yourself!

