We are about a new leap of mankind into the future!

Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2017

The CryoGen project is aimed at the innovative development of cryonics in Russia and the world. We develop cryonics and we want to save hundreds of thousands and even millions of lives with the help of reversible cryo-frost.

By taking part in ICO CryoGen in the early stages (Private Placement and Pre-ICO), you get the opportunity to purchase Cryo Token at a big discount. Cryo Token is used to calculate in our cryo-marketplace for the services of the CryoGen project.

We forecast outstanding scientific achievements and technological breakthrough in the field of reversible cryosaving, as well as achieving significant financial results of this project. CryoGen will open new grandiose prospects in medicine and cryonics and create an industry that in its importance and scope of services will be commensurate with modern healthcare in general.

The project is being implemented by the company “CryoRus” — the 3rd largest and most significant cryonic organization in the world. In our plans, the opening of Europe’s first modern cryocenter. We are the only company in Eurasia that produces fullbody dewars for long-term storage of cryopatient bodies.

The scientific division of the company “CryoRus” perfectly possesses the most up-to-date cryopreservation technologies, our team includes the best scientists of this branch in Eurasia.

The CryoGen project is implemented with the support of the Singapore crypto fund NeuroDAO, which brings together important Crypto-investors to participate in high-tech projects.

The CryoGen project will be funded through the ICO with the release of Cryo Token.

We expect a surge of interest in cryonics and a significant inflow of investments for the development of the cryodepository network and the technology of reversible freezing.

More detailed scientific and technical justification and other details of participation in the project you could find on the official website of the project “CryoGen”.

