Crypitor Service: a UX case study

Nam Mai Nguyen Hoang
Crypitor Service.
Published in
6 min readSep 30, 2019
Crypitor Service Logo


The “Bullish” to Bitcoin’s value of nearly $ 20,000 at the end of 2017 and the development of the Ethereum platform has sparked the world’s curiosity about one of the technologies behind it — It’s Blockchain.

Since the advent of Ethereum, the platform has made great contributions to the development of blockchain technology, especially the development of decentralized applications (Dapps) and Smart Contracts (Smart Contract). According to statistics, there are already more than 2,900 decentralized applications (Dapps) and more than 13,000 Smart Contracts operating worldwide. As of Q1, 2019; more than 500 Dapps are being researched and developed (reported by Hackernoon). Especially in the past 2 years, the emergence of many cryptocurrencies, crypto exchanges, crypto payment system, Dapps are positive and promising proof for the future of blockchain technology.

This has driven technology companies around the globe to start engaging in research and research on blockchain technology, as well as its applications. However, an important question arises for “newbie” into the field: How to get started? Let find the answer to this problem.

Blockchain: How to get started?

The Challenge

Blockchain has only been known until recently, so the difficulties this technology creates are huge for beginner insights. In order to “leapfrog” in an ever-changing technology era, technology companies have spent a lot of resources: money, time and human to research blockchain technology; to integrate this technology into their systems effectively. However, spending too many resources to build a node will make businesses growth slowly and it is difficult to catch up with market trends.

To operate a large system on the blockchain, businesses need to pay attention to the performance of the system. Speed transaction processing on the blockchain network happening very quickly. Therefore, if the system cannot handle a huge amount of transactions, then its performance will be very bad.

Once the business has created its product, the next challenge is that they will have to manage a huge amount of user wallet addresses. This is really a nightmare for new technology companies to access blockchain technology.

Spending too many resources to build a node will make businesses run less efficient and grow more slowly than the market.

On the market, there are very few tools to support businesses who want to access and integrate blockchain technology into their systems. This truth confuses businesses and feels left behind in a potential market like blockchain and crypto.


  • Building a useful tool to help businesses integrate blockchain technology into their systems easily. Improve the performance of the system without spending a lot of resources to build the node.
  • Supporting enterprises to manage user wallet address effectively and quickly.
  • Enables users to track cryptocurrency transactions in real-time.
  • Eliminate things that prevent people from approaching the blockchain technology.


Who is the user? What difficulties are they facing?

  1. Empathize and Survey

As Developers, our team understands the difficulties businesses and Developers face when they start learning about blockchain technology. On the Stack Exchange forum, there have been many questions and concerns about how to track transactions, how to receive notification of transactions and how to get transaction information on Webhook through API calls, etc.

A lot of questions have been raised about this issue in recent years, but there has not been an effective and optimal solution for users. This made us think and it became the motivation for the whole team to come up with optimal solutions to help businesses solve difficulties when working with blockchain.

2. Persona

  • Business/Start-up technology is getting to start learning about blockchain.
  • They don’t know how to start learning, researching and working with blockchain.
  • Businesses have spent a lot of resources to build the system but it does not work effectively or cannot optimize performance.
  • The business has created a product, but there is no effective solution to manage the user’s wallet address.
  • Enterprises want to grow rapidly in the technology industry in general and blockchain in particular.


After learning the difficulties, needs and characteristics of the user; our team decided to prioritize the following:

  • Build a tool to help businesses manage and receive transactions on the blockchain with Webhook notifications. Optimize the performance of the system.
  • Create a tool to manage a huge amount of wallet addresses of users, capable of managing over 1 million wallet addresses.
  • Support users track cryptocurrency transactions through real-time chart reports.


User Flow

Site Map


What makes Crypitor special in blockchain?

  1. User wallet management system for businesses (Up to more than 1 million wallet addresses). Optimize the performance of the system.

2. Real-time chart reports: Wallet report, Account report and Asset report. Facilitates users to track cryptocurrency transactions easier and more flexible. (Support ETH, BTC, USDT, EOS, XRP, NEM, …)

3. The service callback transactions and events on the blockchain via Webhook notifications. (Similar to the way SMS Banking services send banking transaction notifications to mobile phones)

4. Affordable. Pay on demands.

5. The team will play the role of Technical Advisor as a companion with the business.

Webhook Managerment

Ethereum Webhook Managerment Dashboard

Real-time Chart Report

In/Out transaction report

In/Out transactions Chart Report in real-time

Asset Report

All assets Report


After a few months of effort to build the product, the founding team officially launched Crypitor. It is the crystallization of the team’s experience after years of working in blockchain.

Basically, Crypitor is a service that helps businesses integrate blockchain technology into the system easily and effectively. Through API calls to Crypitor, businesses will receive notifications of transactions taking place in the blockchain network via Webhook (callback by Crypitor). As a result, businesses will be able to manage and optimize the system better without spending too many resources.

Simple, quick, convenient, high-performance and especially effective for businesses.

Our mission is bringing blockchain technology to all start-up companies with a friendly way and creating a tunnel lead you to the blockchain world.

Next Step

We are pleased to have come up with solutions and tools to make it easier for people who love blockchain technology to access this technology. In the next phase, we hope to receive more user feedback to continue to upgrade the product and meet the needs of many users in the future.

Test => Feedback => Improve => Repeat

Thanks for the article reference. Connect with the Crypitor community and tell us how you think about Crypitor. Hopefully, the products of the team will support your work more smoothly and efficiently.

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