Blockchain Cure to Cancer

It was among the word you least want to hear: CANCER

Czarina Delos Reyes
Crypt Cafe
Published in
4 min readOct 26, 2019


Rather than surrendering to pain and despair or fight with treatments, Growing numbers of cancer patients, both humans and dogs , affirming themselves with awareness to help themselves and lead to healthier lives.

Seems like Cancer Industry are not looking for a cure, are they just busy making money?

“Why are people terrified when they hear the word cancer? Because they know it [conventional cancer treatment] doesn’t work.” – Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D. Founder, Whitaker Wellness Institute

Chemotherapy uses specialized medications to reach and kill cancer cells in any area of the body, but it destroys the Immune system which is also important in keeping us healthy including to fight the cancer cells.

28,918 plus Human Beings die from cancer everyday and 38000 plus get cancer everyday, it cost over a million dollars for each Human Beings treatment work out the math it's a trillion dollar money racked.

What if your dog had a CANCER, Will you still treat him?

The Girl who cries ‘whoof’

If the humans cancer medication can't even afford, it's no surprise that people will do almost anything for their dogs.

The humans only real friends, Canine formerly wild beast has been domesticated for nearly 32,000 years. In the US, almost half of households own one.

Cancer is the leading cause of death to canine and It is notoriously difficult to detect cancer early in pets. An estimated 6 million dogs will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and one out of 4 dogs will get cancer. There are 87.9 million dogs in the U.S. and this is just in the U.S.

Canine Cancer treatment is very expensive and yet few people can afford it but no one with a guaranteed benefit. Although there is a pet health insurance, it is still not enough for medication.

Introducing ADSANA

Our CEO conduct an interview to Dr. Tsang

Founded by Gary Nice, a master in the brick and mortar businesses and he also founded the successful and well established nonprofit National Canine Cancer Foundation (NCCF) in 2006 and Adsana’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Tom Tsang, has 30 years’ experience in cancer research, is the inventor of our cancer infusion therapy.

The Adsana STO developed an effective and affordable Cancer Infusion Therapy that has shown to kill cancer cells and cancer stem cells in dogs and in humans. The Adsana Team intends to establish Treatment Centers to deliver a new low cost, highly effective treatment for cancer.

"We believe we will be a game-changing, real project to bring this effective low-cost treatment for cancer to the world’ says Gary Nice Founder and CEO.

ADSANA treatment is unique to cancer. It has the ability to weaken the MDR protein pumps within cancer cells which then allows us to kill cancer cells and cancer stem cells with a small (10% of the normal dose) of chemotherapy so no bad side effects from the chemo, without side effects, without damaging the Immune system.

ADSANA will launched a Security Token Offering and introduced the SANA Token. The Adsana project is no Concept, it is an existing real treatment being used now, and this offering is letting everyone to get in part to the real effective and affordable Cancer Infusion Therapy that kills cancer cells and cancer stem cells. They will have third party clinic licensed to use their treatment and with their app they can book and pay to those clinics. Through the Adsana App, a patient or dog owner will be able to pre-pay for the treatment in what we are calling Payment Assurance. Once payment for services is made, it will be held securely within our decentralized blockchain/holochain platform. To be clear they can pay without SANA Token which is Adsana's prepaid treatment utility token. That can pay with the SANA security token.

Adsana Security Token Offering is your first step, to defeat the undying Cancer.

