Refined production from old and new scrap
Cryptal global
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14 min readDec 28, 2022

Although metals are theoretically eternally recyclable, recycling is sometimes ineffective or practically nonexistent due to constraints placed on them by societal norms, product design, recycling technology, and the thermodynamics of separation. We discuss these subjects while distinguishing between common, specialty, and precious metals. Increased collection of waste items, improved design for recycling, and expanded use of contemporary recycling techniques are the most advantageous steps that might raise recycling rates. We are now a long way from a closed-loop material system as a global civilization. Although there is room for improvement, several restrictions — many of which are not technological — will prevent the materials cycle from being completely closed.

In many areas of the world, the generation between the ages of 20 and 30 is the first to have grown up with the recycling bin as a commonplace aspect of life. Discarded paper, cans, and bottles all have designated disposal locations where they frequently end up. For things like computers, refrigerators, and cars that are used for a number of years before being thrown away, the situation is less definite because recycling practices for these products have been inconsistent and dispersed. Few people also understand what happens to outdated technology used by individuals but owned by businesses or organizations, such as medical imaging equipment, aviation engines, and the like.

The recent fast increase in the designer’s material palette has made it more difficult to recycle items that fall into the “sometimes abandoned” or “owned by someone else” categories. Almost all stable elements in the periodic table are employed today to benefit from their distinct physical and chemical characteristics. Consequently, many goods are now more trustworthy and functional than before. Recycling has grown far more complicated, which was not the desired outcome.

In recent years, a number of reviews of metal recycling have been published. They explore important topics, including recycling technology, financial constraints, and improvement techniques. Some unanswered queries are as follows: What’s happening, how much, and what are the trends? What are the boundaries? Can there be a closed-loop materials economy? These system-level issues are the main subject of the current effort.

The Present State of Metal Recycling

How well is the globe recycling the wide range of components included in contemporary products? This subject is best addressed by two metrics: recycled content and end-of-life recycling rate (EOL-RR). Recycled content specifies the percentage of scrap used in the manufacturing of metal, which is crucial to understanding the size of the secondary supply. However, there are two drawbacks to this indication. First, given that the lifespans of metal-containing items frequently extend many decades and that metal consumption is expanding quickly, recycled metal flows will only be able to satisfy a small percentage of demand for a very long period. In addition, it does not differentiate between new and old scrap as input material, leaving it open to artificially inflated rates based only on pre-consumer sources. Instead, the phrase “recycled content” refers to the number of used materials that are gathered and processed for recycling (also known as the “old scrap ratio”). The EOL-RR, which is defined as the percentage of metal in abandoned items that are reused in a way that preserves its useful qualities, is the indicator that more accurately evaluates this.

The efficiency of the ensuing separation and pre-processing procedures, which include complex interactions of a wide range of actors, determines the EOL-RR and the collection rate of end-of-life goods. Recently, recycling rates for 60 components were established and calculated by a United Nations panel. The statistics immediately convey two messages. First, EOL-RRs for frequently used “base metals” (such as iron, copper, zinc, etc.) are above 50% (though, as the study is cautious to note, often not by very much). The number of seldom or never recycled pieces leaves a second, startling impression. It turns out that most of these, including red phosphors, high-strength magnets, thin-film solar cells, and computer chips, are increasingly employed in small quantities for highly precise technical applications.

Recovery in certain applications, which frequently involve heavily mixed “specialty metals,” may be so expensive and technically difficult that it is rarely attempted. In general, contemporary technology has created a paradox: The more complex a product is and the wider range of materials it employs, the more probable it is to operate well, but the more challenging it is to recycle it in order to protect the resources that were necessary to make it work in the first place.

The most obvious advantage of recycling is the ability to lessen the extraction of new ores, hence increasing the lifespan of those resources. Recycling metal is typically far more energy-efficient than obtaining it from a mine, and using recycled materials instead of raw resources significantly reduces the environmental implications of metal manufacturing. Recycling may reduce energy usage by as much as 10 or 20, depending on the metal and the kind of scrap.

The quantities involved and the metal’s economic worth are two factors that affect recycling efficiency. The majority of metals that are now recycled are those that are often used in large amounts (allowing economies of scale). Steel, aluminum, copper, zinc, lead, and nickel are a few of these relatively pure metals that are easy to re-melt. Their EOLRRs are greater than 50%, and the products they are utilized in frequently have lifespans of many decades. Infrastructures for recycling are well-established. Metals that are used sparingly are at the other extreme of the range. Modern high-tech devices like jet engines, solar cells, and consumer electronics require “specialty “ metals to enable improved performance.

These applications demand considerable material mixing, difficult separation techniques, and sometimes adverse economics due to the tiny volumes involved. Due to the growing usage of specialty metals and the short lifespans of many electronic gadgets, end-of-life losses will also rapidly rise in the near future unless more effective recycling management strategies are developed. The majority of the materials belong to the category of specialty metals (such as indium and rare earth elements).

High-economic value metals, such as precious metals, are specific instances of metals utilized in tiny quantities. Although their worth is a major motivator for recycling, their end-of-life recycling percentage is, at best, around 60%. The reason is that it has high recycling rates for conventional usage in jewelry or industrial catalysts. However, collecting and recycling platinum, palladium, and rhodium from automobile catalysts is more complicated. Here, collection rates range about 50% in wealthy nations, primarily due to the export of used cars to underdeveloped nations with little recycling infrastructure. The identical causes also play a role in the inadequate 5–10% recycling of platinum group metals in electronics. The recovery of precious metals from consumer items is severely constrained in underdeveloped nations due to informal recycling and low-tech processing.

Recycling of hazardous metals infrequently occurs and at low rates. Cadmium is mostly recycled as nickel-cadmium batteries, where low collection rates restrict recycling effectiveness, while mercury-containing fluorescent light bulbs have been found to have recycling rates that, at best, range from 10 to 20% globally. The one exception is lead. As a consequence of strict regulation around the globe, it is anticipated that collection and pre-processing rates from today’s lead use for backup power supplies and batteries in gasoline and diesel-powered cars range from 90 to 95%. The end result is a technique for using lead in batteries that is almost closed-loop.

Problems with Eco toxicity may also result from nanoparticle disposal, including metal. Modern solid-waste incinerators have been found to remove engineered nanomaterials from flue gas effectively; however, because incineration does not alter the stable structure and properties of these materials, as is likely the case in recycling processes, the disposal problem is only transferred to subsequent processing steps like landfills. Metal has a whole life cycle from birth to death. The likelihood of recycling is influenced by the methods and steps used at each life cycle stage. About two-thirds of the 650 Gg (thousands of metric tonnes) of nickel that was thrown from usage was recovered. Recycling nickel supplies around one-third of the nickel needed for fabrication and manufacture, together with manufacturing trash (165 Gg of Ni), which is certainly worthwhile but has room for improvement.

On the other hand, the right panel displays the worldwide life cycle of neodymium in 2007. Only 1.2 Gg of the 15.6 Gg of Nd utilized in fabrication and manufacture throughout this cycle was wasted (mostly because products containing neodymium are rather recent arrivals on the market and have not yet become obsolete).

Currently, very little to none of the material is recycled, and even if it were, it would not significantly affect supply. However, neodymium recycling may be useful in the future as discards increase. Despite the fact that the two elements represent the two extremes in end-of-life recycling, it is alarming to learn that even nickel, the more efficient of the two, only has a 52% overall life cycle efficiency. This means that almost half of the extracted nickel is only ever used once before being lost as production waste, waste in landfills, or as a trace constituent in a recycled stream of iron or copper alloys. This supports the findings of Markov chain modeling, which demonstrate that an iron, copper, or nickel unit is only recycled two to three times before being lost, disproving the idea that metals are repeatedly recyclable.

Technology for Product Recovery and Recycling

When the subject of recycling is brought up, an engineer or scientist naturally thinks of technology. Still, it turns out that social and cultural issues are at least as significant, if not more so. The cost of metal is a major factor that directly affects the effectiveness of gathering and processing. In most industrialized nations, extensive human disassembly of discarded electronics is not economically viable, although it may be useful in growing economies like China and India. The weakest link determines the system’s performance, much like in a chain. Along with highlighting particular instances of nickel and rhenium from end-of-life aerospace superalloys, the studies also demonstrate the corresponding recovery and recycling efficiency for nickel and neodymium across all end-of-life products. The transfer of an unwanted product from the owner to an appropriate recycling facility is referred to as the first stage, collection.

Depending on cost, logistics, and other considerations, collection rates for various waste streams might vary. Contrarily, despite regulatory efforts, collection rates for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are sometimes relatively low. In the European Union, only 25 to 40 percent of WEEE is collected and processed through the official system; the remaining 80 percent is either lost or exported as used goods or trash. Currently, precious and specialty metals, which are present in small electrical and electronic equipment, are frequently not recovered because mass recovery, which is the focus of current WEEE legislation in the European Union and Japan, favors steel and base metals that are used in large quantities. These objectives appear likely to change in light of the current circumstance and the recent discussion surrounding essential metals.

The pre-processing procedures for post-consumer metal begin with collecting and include repetitive sorting (using manual, magnetic, or optical methods, for example), disassembly, and physical and chemical separation. Here, scale-related issues are crucial. Processing of virgin materials often takes place on a massive scale and is supported by historically cheap energy prices. Recycling, on the other hand, is frequently more regional, labor-intensive, and small-scale. The financial benefits in such a circumstance are frequently insufficient to support the acquisition of contemporary “sense and sort” technology, and a great deal of otherwise recoverable material is wasted.

An example of the aerospace super alloy with nickel and rhenium demonstrates how price, material combinations, size, and form may influence efficiency. Due to their high value and the advantageous logistics of a relatively small business, one company estimates that the collection rates of these superalloys are approximately 90%. Approximately 80% of the scrap is in solid bits that are easily identifiable and recyclable based on grade. The remaining 20% can be transported to a stainless steel smelter in the form of turnings and other tiny fractions. This results in a nickel efficiency of 81%, which is needed for both the superalloy and the stainless steel, but a rhenium efficiency of just 68%. Similar to neodymium, which may be retrieved from electronics or magnets at a rate of 30%, there is currently no technology available for recycling particular elements. Thus its total recycling efficiency is close to zero, and it will either be wasted or turn into a trace element in recycled metal.

After preprocessing, the material will be delivered to a smelter or other thermochemical plant, where processing will be optimized (end-processing). The majority of them are primary smelters, although other factories — such as those used to make steel in electric arc furnaces and those that treat electronic trash to recover precious metals, copper, and a few specialty metals — are only interested in processing secondary metals. Because they are employed in big, obvious applications like steel beams or lead batteries, some metals, like lead batteries or steel, have very high overall recycling rates. However, half or more of the metals have a greater issue due to the recycling sequence and its usual efficiencies.

While separation and sorting efficiency are tied to recycling technology, collection efficiencies are connected to societal and governmental variables. It is unfortunate from a materials standpoint that, due to scale and economic considerations, more sophisticated technologies (like laser, near-infrared, or x-ray sorting) are typically only applied to specific recycling streams. Examples of more basic technologies include shredding, crushing, and magnetic sorting. Product design frequently creates problems with disassembly and material liberation [for example, laminated permanent magnets in computers].

Although there are significant instances of cutting-edge recycling technologies, many of which are still in the demonstration phase, much more focus should be placed on updating and upgrading existing general systems if overall efficiency increases from their current levels. An international division of labor, as is typical in industrial processes, might accompany such modernization. For electronics, the best-of-two-worlds strategy suggests utilizing both the high efficiency of specialist smelters, which are normally found in developed nations, for end-processing and the cheap labor costs in developing countries for manual disassembly.

Peru provides a positive illustration by combining formal and unofficial computer recycling channels: While simple materials like copper, steel, and aluminum are recycled domestically, precious printed circuit boards are sent partly to a state-of-the-art smelter in Germany. However, some of the boards are also recycled informally in China, with all of the possible environmental repercussions it entails.

In recent years, there have been scattered instances of improved recovery and recycling performance, particularly where high-value metals are involved. After China abruptly shut off its supply of rare piles of earth, research on recycling systems for specialty metals has been encouraged by the recent surge in rare earth prices, notably in Japan.

Modern pre-processing plants frequently prioritize bulk recovery over the recovery of precious and specialty metals. Before shredding, targeted disassembly might significantly boost the recovery of valuable metals from WEEE. According to Japanese research, adding more separation processes to the collection and presorting of tiny WEEE might boost gold recovery from 26% to around 43%, tantalum recovery to up to 48%, and gallium recovery to up to 30%. Additionally, rare metals can occasionally be substituted with more accessible metals with just a little reduction in product quality. Examples include the replacement of rare piles of earth in capacitors and using aluminum-doped zinc oxides in liquid crystal displays in place of indium tin oxides.

The ultimate constraint at the point of processing is thermodynamics. Most metals are unutilized parts of alloys or other mixes rather than in their pure state. Some elements, like copper, will be treated back into their elemental forms when these materials are reprocessed, while others, like nickel and tin, will be processed back into alloys. The behavior of alloying elements’ thermodynamics, which is frequently similar, is the cause of this since it makes their separation either exceedingly energy-intensive or practically impossible. Sometimes, in later processes, it is possible to remove elements that are dispersing to the gas and slag phases. Except for copper and lead smelting, where subsequent processing processes enable the removal of the alloying components, materials still present in the metal phase cannot be separated (a fact benefiting the recovery of precious metals from electronic waste).

Hazardous tramp elements (copper, tin) and advantageous alloying elements are retained in the iron metal phase (nickel, molybdenum, cobalt, and tungsten). The steel acts as a sink for these precious and possibly crucial components, from which future recovery is impossible unless these elements are required in specialized steels. Removing impurities in aluminum and magnesium is a far more difficult task than for other basic metals. For instance, when re-melting, manganese, which is a component of the 3000 series of aluminum alloys, is kept in the metal phase, resulting in a melt that cannot be utilized again in any other Al-based system. 95% of all aluminum applications would not be compatible with the final metal unless the alloys from the 3000 range were separated before re-melting.

Copper conductivity is decreased when the lead is present in the metal phase, rendering it unsuitable for use in electrical applications. Every product designer has to be aware of this inescapable situation so that the number of metal combinations that cannot be appropriately recycled is reduced. Additionally, it emphasizes how crucial effective separation is throughout the pre-processing stages.

Future Recycling Challenges

The action that has the greatest potential to promote metal recycling is collecting, although it initially appears unimportant. Iron, copper, and lead are generally used in forms that make them easier to detect and reprocess; however, for the great majority of metals, which are used in minute amounts in heavily mixed products, such an effort is essential. It is mostly a matter of behavioral habits and incentives, as well as programs like the need to recycle deposits on consumer products to collect discards with high efficiency and with due care (to avoid mixing that would impede subsequent processing). The worldwide trade in old goods, which transfers complicated items to nations with insufficient recycling capabilities, also makes collecting and reprocessing many metals difficult. The current state of affairs necessitates implementing global policy measures to reduce the seeming paradox of investing significant resources in technology, time, money, and labor to extract rare metals from the mines, only to discard them after a single usage.

The next challenge is to include the designers of future items in selecting material combinations with recycling in mind after taking care of collecting. Designers can only reverse the present tendency of more material mixing, yet contemporary designs are actually less recyclable than they were a few decades ago. Modern technology currently uses nearly every metal that exists, though sometimes just once. Thus, warnings about the increasingly wasteful use of metals are no longer limited to items that are virtually exclusively comprised of a few metals. Few strategies could be more irresponsible. As a global society, we can help to ensure that the materials scientists of the future have access to the full palette of the periodic table’s wonders and will be able to provide society with an increasing number of innovative and remarkable products if we can design products with optimized recycling in mind, collect and reuse nearly everything, and use transformative technology to make the entire process excellent.

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