Key points from Livestream session with Deputy CTO

Published in
5 min readNov 20, 2018

On November 17, we held our first Livestream with Crypterium’s IT Team to let our followers learn some tech details about the project from the first hands. If you missed the Livestream, feel free to replay it. If you prefer reading the news, here’s the short summary we’ve prepared for you.

How is the Crypterium App architecture built? What programming languages do we use?

Application architecture is a rather complex topic. We have a client-server architecture with a mobile front and a backend. We’re using the REST API, and we have WebSockets on the frontend, and in order to communicate with the backend. As for programming languages, we are coding in Kotlin and Java for Android and Swift for iOS. On backend, we have two teams. We are working on .net core c#, and jvm platform is our main platform for Java and Kotlin.

Another interesting technology that we have adopted is Hazelcast that we use as distributed cache solution, and Rabbitmq — our message queue. And we also use mongodb and some sql databases where applicable.

How do we build our system on microservices?

Microservices means services are fine-grained: they are separated from each other, they are completely independent. Each of them implements one simple business domain so you can develop parts of the product with small teams. It’s also easier to test them, and they communicate to each other using lightweight protocols, like HTTP. It’s very easy to deploy and maintain this overall structure, but it’s quite hard to enter.

Which service providers are we using?

Our main provider is Amazon with AWS services — our app is built using their container services. Among them is EC2 that we use to have scalable services, elastic load balancer to balance the traffic between clusters and inside them, fargate — container running service — by the way, I highly recommend it for those of you who needs speed when scaling, it’s really faster than EC2. We also use ECS — Elastic Container Service that orchestrates all the things running between fargate and ec2 instances, and s3 — object storage as buckets for static content. Finally we use Relational Database Service for hosting SQL databases.

To obey the local laws in some countries, we store some data in the local data centers, and technologies like mongodb sharding helps us achieve this.

Of course, we also have a Plan B, because we don’t want to rely fully on one provider only. We are ready to switch to any other hosting provider or to some local data centers, if we need to. What I’m saying is we’re not highly dependent on our providers.

How is the app support working? How do we ensure 24/7 support?

The main idea that we have a first-level support team working 24/7 who response to the users in chats and so on and a second-level support team working to the usual schedule with 2 day-offs per week. Together both teams collect the user’s feedback, provide analytics and bring the data to the development team.

How do we plan our sprints?

We are an agile company, and we use a framework that is called SCRUM. It’s an agile framework. It helps developers to collaborate with product owners, other stakeholders, customers and so on constantly. They always receive feedback, they have some reaction to this feedback. Each sprint lasts for two weeks, and there are several stages. The first stage is sprint planning when we discuss the sprint usability we discuss and plan the goals and tasks for the sprint. Then the development starts, we have daily meetings with the updates. After that, there’s a sprint review, where we show the demo to all the stakeholders so that they can give us the feedback. Finally, we have the sprint retrospective discussions of what has been done and what problems have we been facing if any.

What crypto are we going to add to the app?

There are no technical problems: from the tech side we have everything we need, we can add as many tokens as we want. The point is that most of the coins and tokens don’t meet the KYC and AML requirements, and our partners can’t work with tokens without KYC/AML. So our compliance team is working on it, and we are going to solve this problem. We will definitely have more tokens and coins over time.

About Crypterium

CCCrypterium is building a mobile app that will turn cryptocurrencies into money that you can spend with the same ease as cash. Shop around the world and pay with your coins and tokens at any NFC terminal, or via scanning the QR codes. Make purchases in online stores, pay your bills, or just send money across borders in seconds, reliably and for a fraction of a penny.

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