Weekly Digest: Instant Cashouts To Card, CPO Livestream & USDC

All you need to know it’s here. Shall we?

3 min readMay 25, 2019


Fast as lightning, cheap as chips

Withdrawing cryptocurrencies can be a real pain. You know it, we know it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With that idea in mind we are introducing Crypterium Cashouts — an instant yet affordable way to cash out your digital currencies directly to any bank card in the world.

Learn more

Have you missed it?

Crypterium is changing. For good, obviously. In the last month, we’ve redesigned the entire app, launched Crypterium SX and enabled card cashouts. Our CPO Andrey and CMO Siranush held a livestream session earlier this week to explain in detail the recent updates and offer some hints on what’s coming next at Crypterium.

Watch the livestream or read the key points. Your choice.

Ready, steady, go!

Cryptocurrencies are great. They are secure, fast and reliable. But there is one thing most of them are still lacking: stability. That’s precisely why we’ve added support for USD Coin (USDC) — one of the world’s most popular and trusted stablecoins. This digital currency is pegged to the U.S. dollar, allowing you to fix profits, reduce your downside risk exposure & more!

Learn more

About Crypterium

Crypterium is one of the most promising fintech companies, according to KPMG and H2Ventures. We are building a mobile app that meets the banking needs of the digital assets era.

Our goal is clear: with Crypterium, whatever you can do with traditional money you will able to do with digital assets. This idea is supported, among others, by the co-founder of TechCrunch Keith Teare and over 400,000 registered users, and the number is growing by day.

The team is led by former General Manager of Visa Central & Eastern Europe Steven Parker, and C-level executives from global financial institutions, like Renaissance Insurance, London Derivatives Exchange, American Express etc.

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