Weekly: Competition Ends, Bitcoin Cash Arrives, Cash Outs Increase

Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2019

Ready for our weekly recap? Because we are…

  • Trading competition is a total success — for CRPT and you
  • Bitcoin Cash now available on the Crypterium Wallet
  • Increased cash out limit up to 10.000 EUR/mo… you’re welcome
  • You should start thinking of donating some crypto. We tell you why.

Guess What? Everybody Wins!

Thank you all for joining our trading competition on Binance DEX. Not only CRPT has become the #1 token traded on Binance DEX, but everyone who’s been trading in the last month got rewarded… That’s what we call a win-win.

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Hello Bitcoin Cash!

You’ve asked for it. We deliver. It’s time to welcome Bitcoin Cash — the new cryptocurrency supported on the Crypterium Wallet.

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Go big or go home

Cashing out? We’ve raised our withdrawal limits so that you get to enjoy as much crypto as you want. Here are the new limits:

  • 1.000 EUR per transaction
  • 3.000 EUR per day
  • 10.000 EUR per month

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Give The Right Way

There’s more to cryptocurrencies than trading and daily payments. For example… donations. That’s right. An increasing number of people are using crypto for charitable actions. And there’s one big reason why you should too.

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About Crypterium

Crypterium is leading fintech startup awarded by KPMG and H2Ventures. Our goal is to ensure anyone can store, send, exchange and spend digital currencies with the same ease as traditional money.

Crypterium is led by the former General Manager of Visa Central & Eastern Europe, Steven Parker, and C-level executives from global financial institutions like Renaissance Insurance, London Derivatives Exchange, American Express, etc.

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