Contribute to our guides!

Jevon Wright
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2018
We’re looking for awesome writers!

CryptFolio is looking for awesome writers and subject matter experts to contribute to our growing collection of tutorials and guides about cryptocurrency, finance, and getting the most out of CryptFolio.

Get paid at least $100 per guide, payable in any cryptocurrency.

For many people, finance and cryptocurrency can be a challenging and murky area. Our company vision is of a financial world that is open, decentralised, secure and accessible — and we believe sponsoring helpful guides and tutorials from our community will help us get there.

How to contribute

If you’re interested in contributing to the CryptFolio guides, please send a writing sample through to along with your contact details.

Submit an article (e.g. a blog post or tutorial) that you’ve written in the past that demonstrates your expertise on a finance-related topic. Alternatively, you may submit an outline for a guide that you’d like to write about.

While you don’t have to be an experienced writer, your submission will have a much greater chance of being published if your article is clear, concise, easy-to-read, well formatted, and has a good ratio of images to text.

Some suggested topics

  • Introduction to finance
  • Introduction to cryptocurrencies
  • Introduction to exchanges and trading
  • Common patterns in markets and exchanges
  • Discovering new assets and cryptocurrencies
  • Understanding your investment risk profile
  • Staying safe online
  • Performing due diligence
  • Submitting cryptocurrency tax returns
  • Accepting cryptocurrency as a merchant

