The Cryptic Conjure Demo

Cryptic Conjure
Cryptic Conjure
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2018

Good news, everyone! The Cryptic Conjure demo is releasing in just two days. It’ll go up near or very near noon on Thursday PST, which is also when brand new items hit the pre-sale page. Be sure to check those out, as well!

We wanted to take a moment to talk about what you can expect in the demo. First of all, the purpose of this demo is to show you what this game is going to be like. It’s one thing to talk about magic, and weapons, and teleport dashes, and spellchains, but it’s quite another to see it all in action and play it for yourself. You’ll get to see how the game looks, feels, sounds like, plays like. And for a project like this, where we’re promising a truly complete fantasy title and not another collect-a-thon, that’s of the utmost importance.

Can you defeat the Guardian Beta?

However, it’s worth noting that this demo is lacking two major features. First, it’s a single-player demo; you can’t play with your friends. That functionality simply hasn’t been built-out yet. Secondly, your purchases from the pre-sale will unfortunately not show up in the demo. The character we’re using is a temporary model, and wouldn’t properly reflect the various armor and weapon purchases made thus far.

That said!

As a bonus for playing the demo, you can obtain an orange Crysta from beating the tutorial, and a yellow Crysta if you beat the included Hard Mode. These prizes will only be given if you’ve already purchased something in the pre-sale, so be sure to head on down to the shop and pick up something cheap!

In addition, this is the first time the demo is going out to a larger audience, so there are sure to be a few bugs here and there. If you find a non-trivial bug and report it in the #bugs channel of our Discord, we’ll reward you with either an orange Crysta or 20 LS points (your call!). There’s no better way to improve a product then by engaging with a community, and we’re all about it.

Finally, be sure to share what you thought of the demo with us, your fellow Conjurers, and your friends! The more people join us, the more rich the world of Kyra will be. We’re absolutely thrilled to bring you the first playable demo, and we hope it shows you the potential that Cryptic Conjure has to become a truly amazing experience.



Cryptic Conjure
Cryptic Conjure

A fantasy, multiplayer action-RPG built on the Ethereum blockchain and Unreal 4.