Welcome to Cryptic Conjure!

Cryptic Conjure
Cryptic Conjure
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2018

Hey, everyone!

This is Jason Wishnov, lead designer on Cryptic Conjure. To properly convey the amount of excitement this announcement is bringing me and the rest of the team, yelling for nine minutes into a microphone seemed appropriate, but someone convinced me a written post with strict editing guidelines would better suffice. I reluctantly agreed.

I’ve designed and completed several games, most of which with Iridium Studios. The two notable ones are Before the Echo and There Came an Echo, both released on Steam. My team and I have been prototyping Cryptic Conjure for some time, and when we saw what Lucid Sight was doing with Crypto Space Commander and a variety of other projects I’m literally not sure I’m allowed to mention, we decided to jump on-board and integrate their robust blockchain technologies with the game.

In-engine cave, with glowy rocks.

Cryptic Conjure is a multiplayer fantasy action-RPG, utilizing the Ethereum blockchain and Unreal Engine 4, to enable some very interesting mechanics. In Cryptic Conjure, spells are everything…not only your primary forms of offense, defense, and healing, but technically, even your equipment comes in the form of summoning spells. Some spells already exist…we’ll get to those, later…but most spells are crafted by players, using resources bought, sold, and looted in dungeons. It takes quite a few resources, and a fair amount of time, but soon, you’ll be in the possession of a brand-new spell.

But here’s the thing-that-is-interesting…when you craft a spell, you gain twenty “Essence”, which can traded as a special token via the blockchain. The more people have that token, the weaker your spell becomes. If you give one Essence away, the spell will drop from 200% to 190%. And a third person? It drops even further, to 185%, and so on and so forth, all the way down to 100%, that additional power dissipating entirely. What is one of these Essence worth on the open market? Do buyers trust the original crafter to keep that spell between a set number of people? Do they demand some extra Essence themselves, so that they have some leverage in the transaction?

Cryptic Conjure is all about information, trust, and knowledge. If you obtain a rare recipe for a spell, or if you discover a new method of crafting, you won’t necessarily share that information with the world at large, because it holds some significant economic advantage. Today’s gaming world is datamined and leaked on the internet with shocking speed, diminishing the excitement of a game, quashing that feeling of discovery into an unknown world. Through the power of the blockchain, we’re bringing that feeling back.

Scorpions have a bad rep in gaming, and we’re not helping.

We have a million design items to talk about in the coming weeks, and we’re sure you have a million questions. It’s a crazy concept, we know. But the most important thing to note is that when we begin pre-sales, we’ll have a fully functioning demo for players to play with, and more importantly, by playing, they’ll already be able to begin accruing some important resources for spellcrafting. We’ve been working behind the scenes for quite some time, and we think you’ll like what you have to see.

The central city of Rathe.

I’ve seen the incredible enthusiasm, intelligence, and selflessness present in the gaming blockchain community, and I’m thrilled to bring something unique and exciting to the market. Your initial purchases will give you an early economic advantage, but more than that, they’ll help to fund something that the gaming industry hasn’t seen in a long time…a world full of true and actual mystery, one in which knowledge truly is power.

Thanks for reading, everyone.



Cryptic Conjure
Cryptic Conjure

A fantasy, multiplayer action-RPG built on the Ethereum blockchain and Unreal 4.