Time to become a Legend

Mihailo Tešić
Cryptic Legends
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2020

We are finally nearing the point when Cryptic Legends will go into pre-sale, and when you will get the chance to be one of the Founders — the Old Ones, the grognards, our kings who go on to become legends!

The pre-sale will begin on August 2nd 2020, when all hero cards from the beta will be reset. All pre-sale players will receive new hero cards based on their tier — and these cards are stored on the blockchain and are the property of the players for all Aeternity!

In pre-sale, the game will be open only to players who have achieved tier 1 in the beta and of course to the players who purchase a hero pack with fiat or cryptocurrency.

How to Become a Legend

All players participating in the pre-sale receive our eternal gratitude, as well as limited hero packs and special rewards, according to their founder tier.

Every purchase you make grants founder points — every cent is translated into points to determine your founder tier.

Players who participate in the beta will also receive founder points when pre-sale begins, in accordance with the number of battles played.

True kings help their people, so if you like Cryptic Legends enough to recommend the game to your friends and invite them, every new player that comes via your invite will net you a bunch of additional points.

Here’s a rundown of all tiers achievable in the pre-sale — and only in pre-sale!

*The first four tiers can be achieved by playing battles in the current beta.

Here are the types of Hero Packs you can get in the pre-sale — and remember, the number of available packs is limited, so get them while you can!

Standard Hero Pack (€3.99): 3 hero cards of random rarity

XL Hero Pack (€5.99): 5 hero cards:1 guaranteed uncommon, 1 guaranteed rare

Class Pack (€4.99): 3 hero cards of the same class, of random rarity

Tribe Pack (€4.99): 3 hero cards of the same tribe, of random rarity.

Get into the fray on August 2nd and stake your place in the shape of things to come!

