You Achieved the Uni-brow Bonus for Lacking Backbeats

Cryptic Writing


Dear Anna,

Perhaps I was unclear in my last transmission? Hopefully you recognized that within it, L’Orange’s, “The Night,” was acrostically positioned. Of course that wasn’t the only message I was destined to share. Now I wonder, with your head in 11 different clouds, 6 text behaviors, and 268 audio files, did you even notice, did you even care? Only if you could listen to this song that I played on your gramophone while you were out, you might understand. Phonographs like this, like yours, leave behind playable sound images if properly scanned. As a courtesy, I have not only shared the sound I played at your place, but I’ve also shared the name of the interpreter that is needed to play it back. Previously, I hinted at the necessity of printing this to Simon, or was it Gordon, or Erik, at the bar near the train tracks. Even though you don’t reply I will still be keeping an eye across the street through the window. Remember you will find release in the music for it answers the why to what and when you need to know.

Sincerely, Gwenda



Cryptic Writing

Value is not found in the volume of words we whisper, but rather, in the few relayed rightly.